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  1. Cordy♥Angel #36: Because Cordelia was Angel's strength
  2. Vote for Charisma--2009
  3. ♥Spuffy♥Cangel♥ #5: Because when they see them smile they can face the world
  4. Cordy/Willow & Charisma/Alyson #2: Because a prayer for asperin was the least of Willow's problems
  5. Charisma Fashion Survivor #7
  6. The official House Of Bones thread: Because we're excited to have CC back onscreen
  7. Please Welcome MelBelle2 As Your New Moderator!
  8. Charisma This or That #12
  9. The Person Below Me #8
  10. '08 FF Holiday Art Competition (CC) Official Thread - Polls are up!
  11. Moderator Opening Announcement - Charisma Carpenter
  12. Cordy♥Angel #35: Because Angel would save her again.
  13. ♥Spuffy♥Cangel♥ #4: Because they were Spike's and Angel's light at the end of the tunnel
  14. Charisma Trivia Challenge #2 - What's your Charisma IQ?
  15. Spike/Cordy Appreciation #4: Because they were the most selfless characters when it came to love.
  16. Please Welcome awakeningjenny As Your New Moderator
  17. Cordy♥Doyle #5 ~ Because he asked if she was ok
  18. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  19. Charisma 300 Word Story #14
  20. Moderator Opening Announcement - Charisma Carpenter
  21. Buffy & Cordelia #2: Because Cordy was the first friendly face Buffy saw.
  22. 50,000 Posts Celebration!
  23. ♥Spuffy♥Cangel♥ #3: Because a Seer and a Vampire helped a Slayer and a champion find their way
  24. Cordy♥Angel #34: Because Cordelia is in Angel's dreams more than once.
  25. Cordelia & Oz #2 - Because Oz & Cordelia in a cupboard = 7 minutes in heaven!
  26. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  27. The Great Cordelia Re-watch #1
  28. CC Hangman #13 - Pick a letter, any letter!
  29. Charisma Word Assocation #9: Go with the flow
  30. The Fang Gang (Ats) Friendship #3 Because they're nothing without each other
  31. Charisma Picture Hunt #3
  32. Vote
  33. Happy Birthday, Charisma
  34. Charisma ABCs #15
  35. 6 Degrees of Charisma #3
  36. They Said #1: Because there's nothing but good things to say about her
  37. Charisma & David Friendship 5 ~ Because he was proud of her for becoming a mother
  38. Charisma Fan
  39. Charisma This or That #11
  40. Spike/Cordy Appreciation #3: Even mules think they're too stubborn
  41. Charisma Fashion Survivor #6
  42. Charisma Carpenter Birthday Project
  43. Cordy♥Angel #33: Because She Thinks He's Cuddly
  44. ♥Spuffy♥Cangel♥ #2: Because both couples fit each other completely.
  45. Cordy/Willow & Charisma/Alyson #1: They're awesome together on screen and off
  46. Charisma 300 Word Story #13 - Because every story needs Charisma
  47. Charisma Word Assocation #8: This goes with That...
  48. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  49. Please Welcome BrendaSaysHi As Your New Moderator!
  50. Charisma ABCs #14 - Joyful, Kind, Lovely