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  1. TPAM #2: The Poster Above Me is a Hiddlestoner.
  2. Chili's (OT) #5: And the Oscar goes to...this board!
  3. TPBM #2: TPBM is uncontrollably excited for Crimson Peak?
  4. Moderator Opening Announcement
  5. Tom Survivor Thread #1: Favorite Tie [WINNER]
  6. Tom & Chris #2: "There is a huge amount of bromantic love going on between Hiddleston and Hemsworth."
  7. Tom Letter Ending Game #2: Eheheh ~ Hiddleston Army ~ You will always kneel
  8. Tom's Dancing Appreciation #2: "Nobody lambadas like Loki" - Clark Gregg
  9. God of Mischief (Loki) #2: "He's the puppet master - he's the agent of chaos." - Tom Hiddleston
  10. Tom Hiddleston's The Love Book {Reading Zone} #1:
  11. Planning Thread #2: Because we're busy, busy, busy
  12. Tom Three Word #2: New thread already
  13. Tom Icons #1: Lots of little Toms
  14. Post Count #3 ~ The train is leaving the station again - next destination: 25K.
  15. Tom's ABCs #2: The list of his qualities is endless.
  16. Chili's (OT) #4: Because we are drunk in love with Tom Hiddleston
  17. ★ 10,000 posts of Tom Hiddleston ★ Because we are burdened with 10,000 glorious posts
  18. Tom's Word Association #2: Perfection ~ Tom ~ Hiddleston
  19. Tom Anti ABC's #2: Not even Kinky Hybrid is all these things.
  20. Persona's [ Impressions ] #1: He does an excellent Christopher Walken.
  21. One Picture A Day #1
  22. Tompocalypse [ News & Appearances ] #11: Give us that Hiddles news.
  23. Birthday's #1: Happy Birthday to all!
  24. Wrong Answer #1
  25. Dr. Robert Laing | High-Rise (Spoiler and Speculation) #1: Because we still have to read the book to be prepared for the summer
  26. Chili's (OT) #3: Because it's party time every day here, actually.
  27. Happy 33rd Birthday, Tom!
  28. Post Count #2 ~ We post as fiercely as Tom dances.
  29. Planning Thread #1
  30. Tom & Friends #1: Because Tom has more friends than Loki
  31. Tom Other Roles #1: The Muppets: Most Wanted, The Pirate Fairy...
  32. The Casting Couch #1: You can be agent, screenwriter, director - Tom will do anything your imagination wants.
  33. Hiddleston Hangman #1 we l_ve T_ _!
  34. Tom Videos #1 ~ because you just have to watch him in videos over and over......and over...again
  35. Fan Photos #1: I'll show you my shameless selfie if you show me your's.
  36. Bill Hazledine (Suburban Shootout) #1: We like to join him in his eco-friendly love pod!
  37. Magnus Martinsson (Wallander) #1: Because we want to see our curly hair ball back on Wallander!
  38. Lokane ( Loki | Jane )#1: "Magic is just science we don't understand yet."
  39. Songs That Remind You of Tom And His Characters..... #1
  40. You Know You're Obsessed When... #1: Tell us your reasons!
  41. UC Pairings #1 Tom and Cookie Monster? Loki and Agent Coulson? Whats your guilty pleasure?
  42. Adventures in Babysitting (Tom and Luke)#1: Damnit Tom, don't make us call Luke!
  43. Tom's Eyes Appreciation #1 ~ we could stare into his eyes for the rest of our lives!
  44. Tom's Body Appreciation #1: All we want to do is love his body!
  45. Tom & Benedict #1
  46. F. Scott Fitzgerald [Midnight in Paris] #1: "Greetings and salutations. You’ll forgive me, I’ve been mixing grain and grappa."
  47. Please Welcome Our New Affiliate, Tom Hiddleston Network!
  48. Chili's (OT) #2: "You cause blackouts, I cause freakouts."
  49. Captain Nicholls (War Horse)#1: "I promise that I'll look after him, and if possible, I'll return him to your care."
  50. Age Milestones [ Birthdays ] #1: Happy Birthday September Babies!