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  1. March 21st: Happy Birthday Audrey!!! (i feel infinite)
  2. Where's Guzman? #1: 300 Places and activities Guzman could be doing when he's not on screen!
  3. Terra Nova Three Words #2: News still needed, Hope it's soon.
  4. Terra Nova Picture Survivor Thread #1: You love them all, but which of them do you love the most?
  5. Maddy Shannon [Naomi Scott] #2: I haven't done any homework or read in almost 24 hours… and I'm going slightly insane
  6. Jim Shannon [Jason O'Mara] #2: Because it's still Mr. Shannon to you
  7. Terra Nova Re-Watch #1: Genesis (Pilot) on March 11th ~ Come join us!
  8. Adorkable [Maddy Shannon & Mark Reynolds] #6: Because they love each other as much we love them!
  9. Terra Nova Board Ideas & Activities #1: Ideas for the board and upcoming activities
  10. Terra Nova News & Media #3: Eagerly await news on Season 2!
  11. Terra Nova Last Letter Game #1: Nightfall - Lieutenant - Terra Nova
  12. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  13. Forbidden love {Lucas ღ Skye} #2: because even though she betrayed him again he didn't kill her... and could never
  14. Run with me to yesterday • 10,000 posts of Terra Nova!
  15. Terra Nova Hangman #2: Y-u -n-w, y-u hav- y-ur fath-r's -y-s
  16. Taylor's Family {Lucas ☯ Taylor) #1 "My boy… Father and son gonna fight to build a brave, new world together" ~ Taylor
  17. Mark Reynolds [Dean Geyer] #2: Because Jim thinks he is a good kid
  18. Terra Nova Theories #1: What exactly IS the badlands?
  19. Brainiacs ♕ {Lucas & Maddy} #1: B/c the good girl sympathizing with the bad boy? Who doesn't love that, right...?
  20. Standard Avatars
  21. The Jungle (Off Topic) #3: Mourning the loss of Terra Nova from my monday night!
  22. UK & Ireland Thread #1 b/c we don't want to be spoiled while we wait an extra week
  23. Forbidden love {Lucas & Skye} #1: because in three scenes, sparks and chemistry was there
  24. Terra Nova Episode Discussion ~ "Occupation/Resistance" 1x11 / 1x12 (Season finale) ~ December 19th
  25. Terra Nova TPAM #2: TPAM is crossing their fingers for a second season
  26. Lucas Taylor [Ashley Zukerman] #1: Because we can't wait to see what he has gotten himself involved in
  27. Terra Nova 300 Word Story #2: Together, we are at the dawn of a new civilization...
  28. Terra Nova Episode Discussion ~ "Within" 1x10 ~December 12th
  29. December 10: Happy Birthday Jess!!! (CrashandBurn9)
  30. Adorkable [Maddy Shannon & Mark Reynolds] #5: Because he already has intentions to marry her
  31. Terra Nova Episode Discussion ~ "Now You See Me" 1x09 ~ November 28th
  32. Mod Away Announcement Thread #1: Updated Feb 8th (Audrey / i feel infinite)
  33. Terra Nova Episode Discussion ~ "Vs." 1x08 ~ November 21st
  34. Tom Boylan [Damien Garvey] #1: Because we can't wait to see what more he is up too!
  35. Terra Nova 10K Preparation Thread - LAST CALL; UPDATED: JANUARY 6, 2012
  36. Terra Nova Episode Discussion ~ "Proof" 1x07 ~ November 14th
  37. Please welcome CrashandBurn9 & i feel infinite as your new moderators!
  38. Terra Nova Word Association #2: Home - Family - Shannons
  39. Maddy Shannon & Mark Reynolds # 4 Because he thinks she’s perfect!
  40. Terra Nova Episode Discussion ~ "Nightfall" 1x06 ~ November 7th
  41. Terra Nova Anti-ABCs #2: Dumb, Evil, Fail
  42. Terra Nova ABCs #2: Daring, Eventful, Fantastic
  43. Terra Nova Post Count #2
  44. Terra Nova Episode Discussion ~ "Bylaw" 1x05 ~ October 31st
  45. Terra Nova I Spy Game #1: Because we already look at Terra Nova pictures with a magnifying glass
  46. Moderator Opening Announcement
  47. Maddy Shannon&Sgt. Mark Reynolds #3: Because They're doing it old school.
  48. Terra Nova News & Media #2: Because a Two-Hour Season Finale is Awesome!
  49. Malcolm Wallace [Rod Hallett] #1: This researcher is all about his plants, dinosaurs, and ex-girlfriend!
  50. Alicia Washington [Simone Kessell] #1: Because she may be the most BAMF person in Terra Nova!