View Full Version : Zachary Quinto

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  1. Brain Shop [OT] #66: "When I finally do what frozen things do in summer"
  2. Brain Shop [OT] #65: PLL is now back
  3. Brain Shop [OT] #64: Incest thoughts time.. Bates Motel
  4. Brain Shop [OT] #63: Holidays should never end!
  5. Harold, Noah & Skunk #2: Noah and Skunk are in the latest Holiday "Side by Side"
  6. Brain Shop [OT] #62: Countdown to 2014
  7. Zach's Last Letter Game #5
  8. Brain Shop [OT] #61: Nikita is back!
  9. Brain Shop [OT] #60: Winter is coming..
  10. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  11. Zachary's Theatre Appreciation #2: Zach is making his Broadway debut in The Glass Menagerie!
  12. Zachary Word Association #10
  13. Bromance (Quinto/Levi) #3: They are both making their Broadway debuts!
  14. Zach's ABC's #15
  15. Post Count Thread #7
  16. Brain Shop [OT] #59: B/C Jasmine is my Khaleesi~
  17. Zach Anti ABC's #14: Awful, Boring, Crazy
  18. Low Post Count Warning/Message Board Closure Notice - Please Read
  19. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  20. Brain Shop [OT] #58: Summer is time to be spontaneous!
  21. Brain Shop [OT] #57: Pretty Little Liars are back! Time for Jas and Lauren's watches!
  22. Zach Celebrity Media Game #5
  23. 2013 Standard Avatars
  24. Brain Shop [OT] #56: New York Here I Come!
  25. Brain Shop [OT] #55: Jasmine and Wendy are going to have fun together in New York!
  26. Zachary Word Association #9
  27. Brain Shop [OT] #54: Summer is coming! Time for trips!
  28. Zach's ABC's #14: Manly, Noble, Polite
  29. Brain Shop [OT] #53: Spencer And Toby! That is all!
  30. Brain Shop [OT] #52: Veronica Mars Movie is happening!!!
  31. Brain Shop [OT] #51: Make sure to go see Zach in The Glass Menagerie!!
  32. Zach Anti ABC's #13
  33. Brain Shop [OT] #50: Another thread dedicated to bday girl Lauren! <3
  34. Brain Shop [OT] #49: Valentine's Day is Lauren's birthday <3
  35. Zach Attack: News, Articles & Appearances #4
  36. Brain Shop [OT] #48: Jasmine & Lauren doing PLL watch live! WOOT!
  37. Brain Shop [OT] #47: Michael has a complication in the new season.
  38. Zach & His Celeb BFFs #2: B/C Zach spoils us with the amount of awesome friends he has!
  39. Brain Shop [OT] #46: New year. New topics and plans!
  40. Brain Shop [OT] #45: We're watching Owen and Nikita episodes from Nikita! Gotta love Devon & Maggie!
  41. Dr. Thredson (American Horror Story: Asylum) #2: It is all about Bloody Face and Lana! #PrayForLana
  42. Brain Shop [OT] #44: One more episode of Alias to go!
  43. Zachary Word Association #8
  44. Brain Shop [OT] #43: Almost done our Alias watch
  45. Brain Shop [OT] #42: We cannot wait for Sydney and Vaughn's family reunion
  46. Zach's ABC's #13: Jumpy, Kind, Lovely
  47. Brain Shop [OT] #41: Sydney and Vaughn <3
  48. Brain Shop [OT] #40: We are watching Alias Season 5!
  49. Zach's Last Letter Game #4
  50. Zach Anti ABC's #12