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Old 05-28-2006, 01:09 AM
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So, I've heard and read the VP of FOX (Tom Rothman) hates this franchise. IMO, it's an interesting read, albeit long and was written about a year before X3's release (meaning slightly outdated ie. Maggie Grace as Kitty Pride), which explains why Singer wasn't back at the helm for X3.

It pisses me off because imagine how much more awesome this could've been if they had given Singer and his crew the leverage and support a la Sony and Spiderman as the article mentions - also, makes me wish someone other than FOX distributed it.

The one of many things that bugged and didn't mention this in my original review was that the Phoenix storyline blew. huge. chunks. The film reduced it to schizophrenia or a similar personality disorder. I'm all for artistic and creative leeways, so long as they make sense but the Phoenix arc was one of the more important arcs. Sounds harsh, but do it right - or don't bother doing it all. Don't half-arse it...
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