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Old 01-24-2020, 01:20 AM
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Fleimkepas [Keeper's List] #13: Claim your favorite pieces of her

• Alycia Debnam-Carey | Keepers List •

Welcome to the Keeper's List. Here, you may "claim" things relating to Alycia and her characters, with the exception of Alycia herself. Although this thread is meant to be fun, we do have a few rules in place to keep things going smoothly.


Posters may claim an unlimited number of things.
However, you may only claim one thing at a time.
Claims cannot be shared.
Wait two hours between each of your claims (this gives time to other posters to claim things).
Things that cannot be claimed: Lexa, Clexa, or Alycia.

Examples of claims: cast friendships, outfits, tweets, pictures, scenes, lines of dialogue, interview moments, etc.

Moderators will keep the OP updated. Failure to comply with the rules or fighting over claims will not be tolerated, and if it becomes a problem we will close this thread. Keep in mind that this is supposed to be for fun, and not meant to be taken seriously.

Thank you, and enjoy!

- Amelia and Diana

Indigo Five Alpha (Em)

- Alicia's plaid
- Alycia's hands
- "Survival of the Fittest"
- Alycia in glasses
- Alycia/Marny/Maia friendship
- Anya and Lexa's relationship
- Alycia's butterfly knife skills and tricks
- Alycia's look in the end of Friend Request

italiangal (Diana)

- Alycia's smirk
- Lexa's almost ILY in 3x07
- Lexa's last words to Clarke
- Clexa's theme music
- Clarke's drawing of Lexa
- Alycia's lips

LxieGrey (Tina)

- Alycia's eyes (and heart eyes)
- Alicia Clark's s1 jacket
- Lexa's "leave us"
- Lexa's braids
- She fanfic
- Alycia/Mercedes friendship
- Laura's Facebook
- Eliza/Alycia/Lindsey SDCC selfie
- Lexa's candles
- Alycia's sexy lip bite
- Alycia's red & black nails
- Alycia's love for Justin Bieber
- Alycia's love for black/white combo outfits
- Alycia's black boots
- Alycia's Instagram
- Catch Me, I'm Falling fanfic
- Alycia licking her lips
- ADC board
- Markus
- Alycia touching a snake pic
- Alycia dancing in the red dress in Galantyne
- Alycia's ability to not being able to clap
- Clexa wins Zimbio twice in a row
- Commander Hearteyes
- Clarke's rifle
- Alicia's gun
- Friendship between Alycia and Laura
- Alycia's hair flip
- Alycia's photo shoot for the W magazine
- Alycia talking in the third person about herself
- This icon
- Alycia and Colman singing and goofing around all the time and posting that stuff
- Alycia making posting freaks out of us
- Alycia's passion to post her drinks
- Alycia tricking us with her earrings
- Alycia leg pic at the beach with Marny
- Single video clip of Alycia for Shiseido
- Alycia's passion for summer
- Elycia bed selfie #1
- Gabriel
- Alycia/Claire Holt's friendship
- Alycia head banging instagram video
- Alycia being a dog person
- Alycia being nerdy and dressing up as Sailor Moon
- Alycia's love for clams
- Marny and Alycia in the ocean pic made by Val
- Alycia having a cute little Eastern Bettongs on her lap
- Alycia supporting the BLM movement

a little chaos (Becks)

- Elyza Lex
- Alycia's ears
- Lexa's throne
- Clexa sex scene
- Bow scene
- Lexa speaking trigedasleng
- Lexa's love for Clarke
- Lexa's gayness
- Clexa's sexual potential
- "We are what we are"
- "Maybe someday"
- First Clexa kiss
- Alycia's crotch
- Lexa's voice
- Alycia's tongue
- Amelia
- Tina
- Lexa's kill count
- Diana
- Emily

morgonrodnad (Jess)

- Alycia's love of flowers
- Lexa's warpaint
- Lexa's clothes
- Alycia's hair
- Lexa/Roan fight & Killing of Queen Nia
- Alycia's Instagram
- Lexa's bedroom
- Lexa's foreheadpiece
- Kaitlyn's necklace

Movies (Markus)

- Alicia's butterfly knife
- Quote: "Love is love, and that's just it."
- Alycia's talent for music
- Sunglasses
- Rapping skills
- Madison/Alicia deleted FTWD scene in the bed
- FTWD season 2
- Clexa's theme song
- Lexacoon
- Alycia being back on social media
- Lexark
- Alicia's rifle
- Alycia's friends constantly posting something about her
- FTWD cast singing happy birthday to Alycia
- Alycia pics at Cuba 2017
- Alicia's badassness
- Alicia coming to her own in 3x13
- Alycia in jeans
- Lovely Aussie reunions with funny tweets
- Alycia's long fingers covering any item in her hand
- Alycia wearing a Ravenclaw scarf
- The one pic of Alycia and her brother
- Eliza and Alycia raised $6800 for @CUREchildcancer with their two bed selfies
- Alycia throwing her name sign into the crowd
- Alycia hyping Sharon Stone who is hyping her movie Into the Storm
- Alycia knowing how to look sexy into the camera
- #Alyciatakeover
- Alycia/Colman dancing video
- Alycia's passion for wine
- Alycia being at an audition and doing super bad karate moves whilst laughing so hard
- Ricky & Alycia friendship
- Alycia slipping spoilers
- Alycia's SDCC look in 2019
- Bored Alicia Clark in the promo video
- Alicia Clark's outfit in 5B
- Alycia taking selfies in front of the mirror
- Alycia posting a moody Monday morning gif
- The happy grin on her face when Alycia is reunited with her friends in Australia
- This bikini pic
- Clexa fandom
- Duck face

MysteryXX (Mystery)

- Lexa's sword
- Lexa's dagger
- The Clexa Thread
- Lexa's tent
- Us being #1 two months in a row
- "You're the one..."
- Alycia's red lipstick
- Alycia's fight acting skills
- Alycia's surfing skills
- The autograph where she gave Eliza horns
- Alycia's Twitter
- Alycia and Maia's choker
- Alycia's love for black clothes
- Clarke's "I loved her, mom" in 4x01
- ClexaCon 2017
- Madi alias the Clexa child
- High Alicia Clark
- Alycia liking Emilia Clarke's picture
- Clexa Comic
- Alicia upgrading her weapon for season 4
- Alycia singing in the car
- Alycia caring for her fans
- Alycia saying "if you're not here to play, you're not in my photo"
- Alycia being sportive
- Hot Sunday bikini sunbathing video
- The pic with Alycia and the puppy
- Alycia smashing the FTWD promotion tour 2019
- The fact she is wearing her clothes multiple times
- Alycia using a lot of emojis to express her emotions
- Her passion for posting food porn pics

kiss the wind (Amelia)

- Alycia & Eliza's friendship
- Alycia's accent
- Lexa's tattoos
- Clexa nightgown scene
- Lexa's loose waves/curls
- Clarke's love for Lexa
- Lexa's candle obsession
- 3x16 Clexa hug
- Alycia's love for squids
- Clarke's ILY to Lexa in 3x16
- Way Too Keen video
- "But there's a reason."
- Alicia's elevator stunt
- Clexa's first 3x07 kiss
- This Picture
- Alycia's laugh
- Alycia's legs
- Kaitlyn's waves
- Alicia killing Andres in 2B finale
- Alycia's drumming skills
- Alycia/Eliza PYT video
- Alicia and Nick's hug in 2x03
- Lexa's name on Clarke's rifle
- Alycia's bday/SDCC day one outfit/look
- Alycia in the captain hat
- That really cute short clip of Alycia with the reindeer filter and flannel
- This lip pic
- Alycia in the white floral jumpsuit
- Alycia at Walker Stalker Con
- Alycia and Colman dancing video
- Alycia and Bob being flower buddies
- Alycia's lemon-theme skirt/top look
- Alycia in the perfume commercial

SongIceFire (Vicky)

- LexaChip
- Alicia & Nick's relationship
- Alycia's NYFW towel dress
- Copehagen outfit where her stomach showed
- Alicia's 2B outfit with blue denim button-up
- Alycia's friendship with Colman
- Alycia dancing around in a shot black dress and high heels
- Clexa fandom
- Alicia fighting her way out through a horde of zombies
- Alycia in the ball pit
- Our fandom smahing the polls
- Alycia in her bathrobe
- Alycia loving Snapchat Filters and trying them out constantly
- Kiwi eye pic with Laura
- Alycia sticking her tongue out
- Alycia playing emotional breakdown scenes
- Alycia's piano skills
- Alycia making the peace sign
- Alycia and Marny being in a mood
- Alycia and her brother in their childhood video
- Alycia having this serious but sexy look
- Alycia using a cute bunny filter
- Her friends hyping Alycia being in InStyle
- Elycia bed selfie #2
- This picture
- Alicia Clark promo pics of season 5
- Alycia in crop tops
- Colman and Marny met each other through Alycia
- Alycia posing with the tiny white flowers in her hands whilst smiling
- Alycia/Marny friendship
- A leaf stuck on Alycia's nose in the perfume commercial
- The fact that Alycia needs more than one year to finish a book just like me
- Alycia's home country Australia always being in her heart
- Alycia in the black bra
- Alycia being a mystery from time to time

Firecrest (Norman)

- Alycia in her golden outfit at SDCC
- Alycia's makeup in her recent quick video at SDCC
- Alycia with the pineapple at the beach
- Alycia with her glasses kissing the camera in a gif
- B&W Vogue 2016 pic of her inside a pickup truck
- Alycia and Laura Harrier at the Venice Film festival
- B&W pic on 2017 W Magazine
- Her appearance at her Into The Storm premiere in 2014
- The pic of Alycia at Hotel Cipriani in Venice
- This picture
- Alycia on the boat wearing IMDB on hats
- The gif of Alycia eating a plum
- Alycia at San Diego Comic-con in 2016 with orange dress and velvet shoes
- this picture
- Alycia's white dress from the Aacta awards 2016
- Alycia's eyebrows on her newest pic showing only the left side of her face
- The tree where she had her bikini pictures were taken
- Alycia with her water bottle at the San Diego Comic Con
- Her hair in this picture
- Alycia's sexy dance moves
- Alycia next to the giant tire
- Her green polka dot dress
- Alicia's denim jacket
- Alycia near the big window picture
- Alycia's Pulp Fiction phone

cherrypie12345 (Clarice)

- Alycia fandom being so welcoming
- The fact that Alycia's career gets better and better every year
- Alycia always being modest
- Alycia posting yummy healthy food pics
- Alycia fandom
- Her blue heels
- this pic
- Alycia's orange bikini
- Alycia's perfect car entrances
- Alycia smashing 4x10
- Alycia's excellent facial acting
- Alycia in the Chanel photo shooting
- Alycia posing in bikini
- Alycia slaying it in her black dresses
- Alycia in a green flower dress at the FTWD promotion March 2019
- Alycia being a fan of Game of Thrones
- Pionies, pink jasmin and gardenia
- The dancing video of Marny and Alycia on her father's 60 birthday
- Alycia attending the Fifth Annual Instyle Awards
- Alycia loving to wine and dine
- Alycia loving berries and posting them
- Alycia tweeting about Pride Month

lg238 (Gabriel)

- Lexa saint art
- This picture
- Alycia's cheeks
- Alicia smoking a bong
- Alycia's very sexy smirk
- Alycia's cheers picture
- Alicia's weapon in season 4
- Alycia's outfit at Wonder Con 2018
- Alycia's butt in jeans
- Alycia's flower video in Japan
- This pic at Copenhagen Con
- Alycia's singing talent
- Cowgirl Alycia
- Alycia's sexy black outfit at the Avengers premiere
- Alycia surfer girl
- Alycia's natural hair colour
- Alycia's black SDCC 2018 outfit
- Alycia's kiss face
- Alycia's amazing acting talent"
- Alycia's forest green eyes
- Colmycia
- Alycia's hair at Walker Stalker Con
- Alycia's cute belly button
- Mystery
- Norman
- Lexa's bed
- Alycia's fingers
- The Elycia reunion 2019
- Alycia being a fan of Daenerys Targaryen
- This picture
- Alicia's leather jacket in FTWD season 5
- This Alycia/flower pic
- Alycia dancing to Irish music
- Alycia's sailor moon cosplay outfit
- Alycia being dorky
- Alycia wearing a suit jacket with a leather mini-skirt
- Alycia's look at the Amazing Grace Event
- Alycia advocating for Australian wildlife
- Alycia advertising bras
- Alycia's booty
- Alycia's smile
- Alycia attending a BLM protest
- Alycia creating her own amazing grace photoshoot all alone

Jen's Herald (Dave)

- The heart-touching moment Lexa very softly says 'Clarke'
- The moment of Lexa's surprise and respect for Clarke saying ' your fight is over' in trigedasleng, in TonDC at Finn's funeral pyre.

Last edited by Heda_Khaleesi; 07-12-2020 at 11:50 AM
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