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Old 10-29-2019, 05:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Abomasum (View Post)
Ahem - there are a few shows my parents like, and they get angry at me for trashing those... but, yeah, I do think it's pretty much all trash. And it makes sense, because it's so much cheaper to buy the rights to a successful American show than it would be to actually try and produce a good one. There was a hilarious one in the early 2000s - about a very, umm, unsentimental and dry-humored teenage girl and her hippie parents. That one wasn't too bad. That being said, I was a kid when I watched it, and I think my tastes may have been less.. sophisticated back then.

(Also, German TV shows stay in Germany, and I haven't lived there in an eternity, so that's also a reason I haven't watched any. To be fair, I'll therefore have to say that I cannot truly comment on the current TV landscape in Germany.)

I have seen a few episodes of Doctor Who... but that was in 2008, maybe, and it was dubbed and they started it with the 2005 version of the show, which felt like dropping into a very complex story without background knowledge, and it didn't make sense to me whatsoever (again, I was relatively young, too). I'm sure it's a great show, considering its success, but I haven't dared venture into that again. Also because the concept of it didn't really speak to me... I'm not much of a sci-fi/mystery/fantasy kind of person.

I started watching Doctor Who and really liked it initially but then I just fell out out of love with it and stopped watching. It's definitely a high quality show. The concept of having a different Doctor is kind of cool but it also means you have to say goodbye to the actors and the pairings. I really loved The Doctor and Rose. Their break up gutted me. I like Everwood endings better. LOL.
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