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Old 10-22-2019, 08:32 AM
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Supergirl 5.3: Blurred Lines

The theme of this episode is exploring boundaries and how difficult it can be not to cross lines when you care about someone and they are in pain. Nia Nahl was truly the "hero" in this one since she realized she had to reveal that it was J'onn and not M'yrnn who committed the gravest Martian sin of memory-erasure to J'onn. She also did the right thing with Brainy as well. Then there's Kara and what Lena is doing to her, which is making me really mad at this point. Poor Kara, seriously. I will get to that in a bit. Kelly is tricked by Malefic (posing as an old friend) as well.

Kelly/Alex are separated for plot reasons. Some are saying Kelly should have fought having to leave but I actually find it refreshing that she is smart enough to realize it is a good choice to just take off for a bit (since she'll be a target) while the professionals take care of the situation. She is a huge threat, she knows it, and she made the right choice. That said, Mehcad Brooks is not a regular anymore so I have a feeling this storyline allowed Mehcad less screen time so they went with it.

J'onn/Nia scenes were brilliant. I loved their scenes together but I hated that J'onn was a cause for Malefic not being remembered by him or his father. I understand why Malefic is wounded over his past. Although his evil ways now are not justified in the least.

One of the greatest things about this show is the Lena/Kara interaction. Show, for right now, you have ruined all Lena/Kara scenes for me. What Lena is doing to Kara is straight up evil. I understand Lena feels betrayed and her entire history screams a future "unhinged" time period. But what she is doing you cannot explain away or justify. What Lena has done to Eve (allowing Hope to enter) is straight up evil. What she is doing to Kara breaks my heart. At this point, I cannot support or even feel for Lena anymore. I am holding out "hope" that Lena is being controlled by Hope and she didn't do that to Eve on her own. It is despicable. What she is doing to Kara is disgusting as well as stated above. It sucks. There is ZERO remorse on Lena's end. She doesn't care about Eve or Kara, and it's pathetic. What Kara did (by not revealing she is Supergirl) was not to intentionally hurt Lena, just the opposite. But Lena is intentionally hurting and betraying Kara, and that is the massive difference.

Andrea is such a cartoon villain right now. It is over the top. I just want her off the screen.

Also... I do not care about William Dey and whatever secrets he's carrying... even if it turns out being for a good cause... I do not care about the character, his accent is distracting because I cannot understand him, and I do not want Kara romantically linked to him! Please, no.

I totally sided with Nia on the Brainy issue. I adore Brainy, but he has to find a way to tone it down because Brainy being at 100% is definitely too much.

I loved seeing Sean Astin (his mother was such a terrific actress as well) on my screen.

Ending on a good note... It was nice to see Alex and Kara have a sister dumpling night (and to see Kara with doughnuts again!).

Last edited by jediwands; 10-22-2019 at 12:37 PM
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