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Old 02-12-2004, 08:09 PM
Passionate Fan

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What was your favorite L/B scene, and why?

CHOICE #1: Billiard Room Make-out *fans self*

CHOICE #2: Getting it on in Lucas' room then being caught by Keith

CHOICE #3: At the grocery store, shopping for "goodies" and being caught by Deb

CHOICE #4: The hot-tub...

CHOICE #5: The "giving a rat's ass" dialogue
I'd have to say #5. Because I think that's the most real Brooke has been with anyone. She was so soft and vulnerable in that moment.

Sometimes TPTB just have no sense or taste that's what Good Fan Fic is for
Proud fan of:Brooke,Bright/Hannah, Babe/Jamie,The SB's Jason/Carly, Stenz'Manny
My affiliations: CSJ, JFF,Purist,SFFF, Scorned, Masochist, ketchup kid, Pratt Pack, Baller
avi by Beth
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