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Old 07-05-2019, 12:45 PM
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Joined: Mar 2017
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Originally Posted by JoJoF92 (View Post)
I think ML is a very suspicious person but she's also blinded by the love for her late son. I'm sure it's really hard to accept that your child was an abuser when you just lost him. losing one alone is terrible, so she's gonna live in denial for a while if not forever.
Mary Louise reaction is normal. It's similar to Chris Watt's parents reaction to finding out that he killed his wife,and Kids. They didn't believe it neither. If your husband/or brother was accused of doing a crime, and he never been accused of that sort of crime your likely won't accept right away. Especially sense she never had Perry charge with rape. Celeste never reported the beatings. So far there's no charges against Perry for raping any other women. Celeste never went to the police about the beating. Yet , she is told that her only son is dead, and he was a monster? now replace Perry with your husband, or family member? Wouldn't a lot of questions go through your head? Would you accept anything someone say about a person that you knew,and love "After" he's dead and can't defend himself? Do that where Mary Louise is coming from.

I don't like that Mary Louise is trying to take custody of Celeste 's boys, but she's right . Celeste is putting the kids in danger every time she has a black out.
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