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Old 06-18-2019, 02:41 PM
Crystal Clear
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Originally Posted by Ashes Fall (View Post)
I hate to continue ripping him apart but I found his heroic moment in BtVS rather cheap. It was a simple solution that invalidated the entire potential army build-up.
In fairness, it actually made sense for Spike to be the ultimate Chosen One for that moment.

The Potentials were there to fight as many of The First as they could... But only physically. They were also worn out during the fight, and they needed the amulet to destroy each and every one of them until nothing but dust was left.

Thus, I think Spike's actions didn't take anything away from the Potentials. He simply saved them all from having to sacrifice themselves. Win-win.

To throw him a bone, I did appreciate that he somewhat resented being brought back because he had felt fulfilled and at peace having gone out a hero.
That was nice and completely fair words from him. Also, it powerfully reflected Buffy's resentment in Season 6 about being brought back from the dead.

Another bone, the humor was enjoyable, I'll never forget that when Spike becomes corporeal again and the first thing he does to test it is feel Angel up, I had a spoonful of soup to my lips that ended up all over my jeans but there was no substance, it just wasn't necessary.
That did perfectly sum up their entire relationship. Love/hate with some harmless homoerotic subtext.

I did like the A/C/S chemistry in YW.
I'd have loved to see her have to play mama bear to A/S's childish rivalry. Powers know Angel needed it. :eyeroll:
Agreed. Charisma could have been exactly what people wanted Sarah to be. The person who keeps Angel and Spike in check and makes sure they keep a good head on their shoulders.

As we know -- without Cordelia by his side, Angel was lesser. It's her absence that guarantees their failure. They sign the Wolfram & Hart papers because they didn't have Cordy there to tell them how frriggin' naive they were being
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