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Old 05-24-2019, 08:19 PM
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That's such bull.Tom DeFalco's idea that Steve could lift the hammer in the comics always annoyed me. It's horning in on Thor's territory and I'm sick of the whole Steve-is-perfect thing. I was glad when they didn't go that route in the movies and this is just blatant retconning of a very cheap sort.
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (View Post)
It's an old term for English sailors in the British Navy who used to squeeze lime juice or lemon juice into barrels of their grog(rum) rations.

They did it to prevent the condition called "scurvy," which comes from a vitamin C deficiency.
That's "limey", not "lime-squeezing, and it's an ethnic slur, so it shouldn't be used here.
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