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Old 05-20-2019, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by MysteryXX (View Post)
Something that boggles my mind is how the finale felt like both the most rushed thing in the world and yet also like a deathly slow trudge through some torturous swamp. There was SO MUCH TALKING and random exposition that didn't make up for the gaps in the plot at all. It was as if they were trying get the characters to convince us of everything rather than showing it properly over a more fleshed-out season. Tyrion tells Jon that Dany is a tyrant? Okay cool, Jon kills Dany IMMEDIATELY rather than waiting to see how things play out during her rule. Tyrion says stories matter and therefore Bran should be king? Okay cool, everyone votes Bran king OUT OF NOWHERE just because Tyrion made a cute speech. Brienne writes Jaime's good deeds in the White Book? Okay cool, never mind that he didn't have a satisfying redemption arc, she becomes the plot device that makes him the hero even though he allegedly didn't care about the innocents.

Don't get me start with useless Bran now.

To call this fanfiction would be a disservice to fanfiction. I've read so many stories that have been written and plotted better, that cares about characters rather than just hitting targets.
I totally agree ... I was sitting through the ep while they were slow-walking through the ruins of KL, or watching Tyrion straighten chairs, and wonder why they hadn't spent those precious moments better.

I agree with the discussion between Jon and Dany being a bit sudden, I wish at least those two had had a longer conversation which showed Jon struggle more until it became clear that he had to kill Dany to save Westeros.

I liked the scenes between Jon and Tyrion, but the speech Tyrion gave that council was ridiculous as was the council itself - Bran should be king because he knows good stories?! And we're supposed to be happy that the likes of Edmure Tully and Robin Arryn are selecting the new king? And that letting the people participate is just a joke (I'm a bit shocked that that was played for laughs - wasn't part of the problem with the "game of thrones" that the smallfolk were the ones that suffered while the great lords played their games)?
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