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Old 05-15-2019, 12:34 PM
Unsung Hero
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Originally Posted by very close talking (View Post)
And a 3 or 4 year old (or however old his other daughter was)! I just can't imagine that. So many women die during childbirth, for many different reasons, but this definitely could have been easily prevented. I loved how Devon stepped up and it was great to see him shine, but it's so sad how it happened.

I had to come here and post about the episode because I just watched it yesterday (I'm so behind! ) and I was bawling my eyes out during the moments with the father and receiving the news about his wife.

Conrad & Nic. I have no words. I don't agree with the way Nic is handling things and she's not really opening up and talking to Conrad about it, but I've never been in a relationship, so IDK how things are supposed to go.
It was a really strong episode. Glad you liked it.
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