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Old 05-12-2019, 08:09 PM
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Originally Posted by LxieGrey (View Post)
so in the course of 74 episodes, Dany didn't kill a single innocent while under extreme pressure only to kill almost a million of them in one fell swoop because few bells rang. wtf.

i felt so bad for Dany and Jaime. their characters are assassinated the most. Brienne didn't lose her virginity to Jaime for Jaime just to go back to Cersei. i hoped he was going back to kill her but all of Jaime's development...for nothing.

so much feels pointless.

at this point i only can connect with Arya a bit. but she didn't get to kill Cersei, i felt it would have been deserved if she did.
I knew Jamie and Cersei would die together, but I still thought Arya would get to kill her. They could just crawl towards each other.

I agree with whomever said that Jaime doesn't deserve redemption. I'm really angry about what happened to Brienne and he sucks. He doesn't deserve redemption and he's a rapist. I think Dany just snapped, because she hesitated a good bit before she started attacking people.

Honestly? I don't care-They deserved it. They're fickle and turned on their monarchs. They only cared about Margaery.

I want to see Yara next episode. I didn't see her helping out, which was a disappointment.
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