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Old 05-08-2019, 05:58 AM
The Crow
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Ugh. RE: Batman vs Superman and Endgame comparisons...if the Russo brothers watched that movie, it was for things not to do, not for things to rip off. And, looking at the comparison shots is laughable. The shots of the 'big three' aren't composed the same way. Tony's holding up his hand, and Superman's holding a spear. And, the last two...I guess showing a symbol that reminds people of the deceased surrounded by flowers is a rip-off now instead of a common practice. By that logic, BvS ripped it off of whatever previous movie showed a flower filled memorial.

It's amazing that anyone is trying to defend that garbage movie anyway. Most DC fans hated it just as much as I do.
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.
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