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Old 04-10-2019, 03:12 PM
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Satan (Lucifer) in the Biblical and Hebrew sense, is just a fallen angel who wanted to be the best of the angels. God pushed him out and made him the watcher of Hell, but Satan thought it was his punishment.

Samael is most often mistaken as Satan. He was an angel who fell because his goal was to be the best of them all including God. He wanted to be the only God. He's well known for destroying any faith anyone has had in God, corrupting people and destroying mankind. He was Lilith's first lover, which is why I think people confuse Samael with Satan.

The show has put a good spin on it though, because the story of Lilith in the show is that of her and Samael, not Satan. Unless they've had Satan be Samael.

Lilith was abandoned by God and turned into a demon when Adam wouldn't let her ride on top. She wanted to be equal, but Adam said no. God banished her and she found Samael and slept with him as an equal. God said to her to come back and be subordinate and she denied. Thus, cursed her to a demon life and that 100 of her babies would die every day. He then created Eve.
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