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Old 02-21-2019, 02:30 PM
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Originally Posted by KitscherSunk (View Post)
I thought I was the only one that has to switch the channel when those dog commercials come on. They're soo depressing.

So, Jussie Smollett was officially charged with filing a false police report. Sigh. I really hope this doesn't hurt Jurnee's career in any way. My first thought was, maybe she could drop the hyphen and just use her married name. I know he's her brother, and it's their family name, but it's going to be so infamous now .... In fact, a lot of the siblings are in acting and/or singing. I think it's like 4 or 5 of them. Jurnee was the most famous. Well, until now.

Hey whatever happened to "Friday Night Lights: The Musical"? Seems it was just that one time. I assumed it would travel around.
I think the musical just got shelved. Scott was supposed to be in it and he's mentioned nothing. They did something similar for Mean Girls and it was just like a two weekend show in LA, so it wasn't some huge deal.

I feel bad for Jurnee having to deal with all this. And I think she has some pretty high profile projects coming out this year that are going to require her to be at the forefront of the press tours. Having to answer for her idiot brother is going to get exhausting and I feel like she shouldn't have to.

I honestly can't believe someone would be that stupid to make up a story like that and not believe that they'd be found out. I read somewhere that he didn't want to report it to the police but his manager thought he should. So maybe it just kind of got out of hand. That doesn't make it right, it's just, ugh, don't give the people that victim shame any more reason to not believe REAL victims.
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