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Old 11-07-2018, 07:01 AM
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Preparation thread for Star Trek board anniversary in December


The Star Trek board was opened December 3, 2001, so will be celebrating 17 years at . next month.

We'd like you to help us celebrate. If you'd like to share a few words about why you enjoy posting at the board, that would be wonderful.
Also if you'd like to contribute art, either banners or icons, you can post them here or PM either Tracey or myself.

To thank all of you for your loyal support, we'll offer special titles for the month of December. If you'd like one, please sign up here. You can choose your own, but it should be related to Star Trek in some way, and 25 characters or less.

Special Titles:

crazy_diamond - 'No Bloody A, B, C or D' ~ Scotty, TNG
Johnnie - Don't you bow before your emperor? - Emperor Philippa Georgiou, Discovery
Make Them Laugh - Live Long and Prosper
Meliana - Live long and prosper.
Chris - Live Long and Prosper
Strawberry5 - Vulcans never bluff

Thanks to Dave for helping to get us organized.
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