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Old 05-02-2006, 09:13 PM
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Originally Posted by TokyoNiGHTS

There's since been videos released of her stripping that she sent to the kid. What's completely unsurprising is that its almost being treated as a joke in the media. Oh she just needs help, she doesn't need to go to jail. You can go to both jail and get help at the sametime. It goes further than that because you'll often see that the female teachers are often sentenced based on how they look. The better they look the less time they get, the uglier they look the more time they get.
This particular case happened not too far from where I live, so as you can imagine it has been subject to quite the media coverage in the last few weeks. I wouldn't necessarily classify it as a joke coverage wise...yet. It is certainly getting to that point. Everyday it seems there are new images or video to be shown on the evening news or screenshots of her MySpace page.

As a teacher, I cannot even begin to imagine having an intimate relationship with one of my students...or even communicating in a "friends" capacity.

I'm not sure about the looks aspect, but there is definitely a double-standard when it comes to judging male teachers who put themselves in the same situation.

I have mixed feelings about MySpace. I have an account myself and enjoy communicating with friends (my own age). I've seen some of my students' pages and was surprised by some of the content, though not too terribly alarmed. The biggest and most unsettling issue I see is the posting of personal info., school, age, sports would be so simple to track some of these kids down.
Sometimes, when I look at myself through the microscope of cold, hard objectivity, I think to myself, "God, you are awesome!"

Drunk Girl
47th & 9th

Last edited by AuburnGrad; 05-02-2006 at 09:18 PM
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