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Old 09-16-2018, 01:25 AM
destroyer of worlds
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Thanks for that. I love their friendship but people seriously need to stop speculating about the nature of their relationship ... honestly, I feel bad for Lana's boyfriend. Media outlets keep asking Lana AND Noah in interviews and it makes me uncomfortable, when they're fully aware that she's in a relationship right now. And her boyfriend's IG account is now private because fans were leaving bad messages on his pictures and he wasn't happy about them (understandably).

People just get caught up in RL shipping and disrespect the actors' RL other halves and it isn't right. /end rant. Sorry, just had to say that.

Noah confirmed to Metro that while a TATBILB sequel has yet to be green-lighted, he'll be ready to jump right back into Peter's shoes when that inevitably happens. "I haven't heard anything, all I know is that everyone involved wants there to be a sequel. I absolutely want a sequel! I'm under that universe," he said. "Maybe Peter can fall from the pedestal? Maybe he can change into not-so-good of a guy? Maybe we can show the dimensions to different people: how we can be heroes in one moment and villains in another?" Look, Noah, multifaceted and complex fictional characters are nice and all, but if we have to watch Peter let another of Lara Jean's scrunchies be stolen away without putting up much of a fight, I may have to cancel my Netflix account.
Though there are no plans yet for a second film, it's not for a lack of trying on the part of TATBILB stans. Not long after the movie arrived on the streaming platform and captured the hearts of fans all over the world, one particularly dedicated viewer set up a petition calling for a sequel; after all, Jenny Han wrote a total of three books about Peter, Lara Jean, and company, so it only makes sense for Netflix to make three movies about them, too.
Entire article

Seriously though, where is that sequel announcement??

soljae ♥
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