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Old 08-31-2018, 09:17 AM
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Originally Posted by daggerrose (View Post)
Oh okay. Hmm.

I mean--I think marriage is more of a personal thing--your views on it, anyways. And not so much a gender or orientation thing. Like if you believe in marriage and want to get married? Great. If not, great. Whatever makes you happy.

However--not having the right to marry is difficult and unfair. No matter your opinions on marriage, everyone deserves to at least have the option.
that is my opinion too, but some people think different..

just thinking of my uncle who, after his wife died when they were high in their 80s , had to marry again half a year later, cause he was almost blind and needed help.. and what would the neighbours think if a woman lives with him and he isn't married and the end of it.. she ended all connections to his daughter, cause she could want money from him and even with us she cut in.. we didn't get anything of the promised things when he passed aay, cause everything he had , his wife was the first to get it..even not having own children at aall.

in my eyes marriage isn't neccessarily important, unless both part want to do it. as long as they are happy together.. and some people are just not marriage marterial.. they live together for years happily and the moment they marry.. all goes down the drain you never know..

and a lot of people over here just marry because of saving taxes..
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