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Old 08-02-2018, 12:38 PM
Always & Forever
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Originally Posted by April7739 (View Post)
Great episode tonight! God, this season has reinvigorated the B.B. fan in me!

Alexa, I disagree completely. You see, one of my complaints with Survivor—different show, but still—lately has become this emphasis on “big moves.” People think that you have to be playing the boldest, flashiest game every week to win. And that’s just not true, especially in a game like Big Brother where so much of what goes on is actually very subtle. There have been some great B.B. players who have known when to lay low: Drew, Dan (yes, at times, he laid low), Hayden just to name a few.

Tyler’s time in that veto was astonishing. If he’d wanted to throw it (which he could have), then he could have just sat out there for a long time and waited to time out. But winning it did allow him to prove his “allegiance” to Bayleigh. And I think it was ABSOLUTELY the right decision not to use it on either one of them, at least once he found out about her power app. (Why did she even get this, by the way? I’m finding her diva attitude insufferable.) Using it just would paint a huge target on him for her power app next week. And Angela would have gone up, who seems to really trust Tyler. Pushing for JC wouldn’t benefit him because JC has been working with him.

Yeah, Tyler’s looking out for himself more so than his alliance. Good for him! (Couldn’t believe when Bayleigh said Fessy’s top priority should be her. Um, no, it should be himself.) Too many times people in this game latch onto an alliance and go down with a sinking ship, even though Big Brother is an individual game and not a group game. Unlike the rest of his alliance, he’s got other strategic connections out there. Tyler’s alliance might sink without him, but he wouldn’t sink without them.

Can I just mention Kaycee for a minute? I know she’s totally under the radar, but I think she’s gonna make it far. She’s playing a good under the radar game. I also think JC is playing pretty well.

Oh man, I like Rachel, but she played messily tonight. The thing is, too, she’s right to call Tyler a snake! But that whole thing began with Bayleigh either misquoting Tyler or trying to pin some blame on him.

I don’t really need to know what’s been going on in the feeds since the veto. I just want to watch the episode and be as unspoiled about who is going home as possible. If I want to know more about the feeds, I’ll go to Reddit and get some info.
Completely agree with you, April! About everything, except JC. He's annoying to me, even though they play him off as "cute & likable"... He does have some OK/funny moments, but I will not be sad if he ever goes home.

I just love Tyler! And anyone else can love him or hate him, I love him, and I don't care who knows it!
Aaron Tveit
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