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Old 07-25-2018, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)
The 100: The Dark Year 5.11

I am glad that most see Octavia in a different light now. Abby is the darkness if we want to point fingers. She instigated everything, she forced Octavia into this role and then turned to addiction and left her. Octavia made them eat so they wouldn't die. She did bad things but in order to save as many people as possible. Everything Madi says in this episode to Clarke is bang on... especially everything she says about Octavia and how Clarke has it all wrong. Madi is pro-Octavia because she gets it. She understands the hell she went through, how it was Abby instigating everything behind the scenes and then she bails. Madi's words are truth.

Love these posts:


Abby = the drug addicted villain of this story which is what Abby was telling Clarke.

Octavia = a victim/influenced by Abby, it broke her down but she saved as many as she could and took it all on her shoulders. Then it broke Octavia and she turned to major psychosis as a result. It's heartbreaking. Madi gets it.

Last Bits:

- Also... if I hear Bellamy say one more time that those in the Sky with him are his family I will pull every ounce of my hair out. It has become annoying as hell. Plus, without Clarke he wouldn't even have his precious family. I love Bellamy but stop with the family bit, Bell. Thanks.

- Of course Raven falls for Shaw. Now watch Shaw dies... it wouldn't be a complete season without Raven suffering...

- Lastly... I think the line with Echo saying she will deal with Clarke later is key... I could totally see a finale set up where Echo goes after Clarke and Bellamy chooses Clarke, not Echo.

Two more episodes left of the season.
Sounds very promising, Michelle. Now if I can only get rid of my company...I can watch!
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