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Old 07-18-2018, 04:37 PM
a little chaos
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What were you expecting, Becks?
Honestly? Octavia to save her brother and for some death scenes

April you know I am with you on the Octavia thing, you know what though? I genuinely started to sympathise with her this episode, you could see the internal struggle she was going through, the whole "Octavia vs Bloodreina" thing. I honestly thought she wasn't going to go through with it and she did. And I agree I will probably sympathise with her in 5x11 during the flashbacks, but there is no explanation good enough that I can ever forgive her for turning her back on Bellamy and destroying their only viable food source.

Octavia aside, didn't the Blake's break your heart? I am talking about O and Bell, not Bloodreina and Bellamy. That story about how Bellamy cut himself to protect Octavia from being found, he really is THAT brother. It was nice getting some more backstory from these two, and it's always great hearing stories about how much of an amazing big brother our Bellamy is. And him calling her out on the Red Queen thing, calling it a joke, LOVED THAT.

I loved the fight scene also, but what I loved most about it was the fact he wasn't going to fight and then he just did, that is Bellamy for you, his survival instincts kicked in. Cause that is the man he is, a fighter, a suriviver. I have just loved Bellamy this season, and I have decided, I'm not gonna do the whole "Seasson 5 Bellamy is my favourite" or order him by seasons anymore. I just love him, everything he's been, everything he is and everything he will continue to be. I have really seen this season from his eyes more than anyones, he's the one I route for, even if I question his choices.

Clarke/Madi, I LOVED THE CLARKE/MADI STUFF! and I just really love Madi, she is really coming into her own, she's questioning Clarke, and fighting for what she believes to be right and I really love that, her defending Bellamy on several occasions was so important and here is why: When Clarke and Madi were alone on Earth, they lived a peaceful existence and that is the Clarke Madi knows, so for Madi to see Clarke behave the way she is now, it's hard for her to digest, cause post-apocalyptic Clarke is not as clean as Mamma bear Clarke, so I think Madi holds Clarke up in high regard, so seeing her acting the way she is now must be confusing, also the fact that Madi is probably the person on Earth with the most innocence left, things will probably seem more black and white to her.

The most interesting part though, is the Bellarke of it all, Madi has such a unique perspective on Bellarke, because she spent 6 years hearing all about Bellamy and what he means to Clarke, so Madi will know more than anyone just how important he is to her, she'll know that Bellarke are partners, that they have always stood by each other, that they're best friends who love each other very much, that Bellamy was the one Clarke radioed EVERY DAY.

And this is why Madi being cross at Clarke is so important because she cannot understand Clarke's choice to leave Bellamy to die, because from the stories she has been told, BELLARKE DON'T DO THAT.

As for the Flame/Lexa stuff, YOU KNOW I LOVED IT! And yeah the Flame is a plot device, but it's still an important part of the show and important to The Grounders and their culture and I feel it is something that shouldn't just be erased, and as for the Clexa vibes thus far this season, can't we just have our crumbs without people being upset? THAT CLEXA MOMENT BROKE ME BTW.

Monty, Monty, Monty, I LOVE HIM THIS SEASON, dude called Octavia a dictator and SAVED BELLAMY'S ASS.

My MVP's:

5x01: Clarke
5x02: Octavia
5x03: Bellamy
5x04: Raven
5x05: Murphy
5x06: Echo
5x07: Clarke
5x08: Bellamy
5x09: Madi
5x10: Monty

SEASON MVP'S so far:

Bellamy, Monty, Diyoza, Indra.
bellarke supremacy.

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