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Old 04-24-2006, 06:35 PM
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Ohh so much to comment on LOL!

Daisy34, word to your whole post. I too loved today. I cringed at the end but I still enjoyed it. I *loved* their talk. It was so classic Scrubs. I think I enjoyed that more than I did the physical stuff.

No "oh crap" face, or no sadness...he just flirted in Robin's face.
See I thought he did have an "Oh crap" look on his face. Right before they went to a commericial, I thought I saw it. Now as for the Gwen thing, the way I saw it, after Robin called him on his crap, he saw Gwen as an out. He may not be ready to move forward so when Gwen came knocking he took the chance and was an ass cause he knows Robin would run in the other direction like she said she would

Oh and I agree AssPat need to die LOL. I'm hoping that since the last few weeks have been about Robin's feelings n ow the next phase in this story is Patrick's feelings.

I actually don't mind the pacing. I love the push/pull. I love the angst. I'm loving the story. My only complaint is the airtime. We just need more airtime.

But Robin does take chances, she fell in love with Jason (look how well that turned out), she did a lot of adventerous stuff like rock climbing in Paris, she had a full life in Paris, and how do I know, her renion with Anna on AMC. It's sad that AMC writers know more about her history than GH. I just refuse to believe the things they want us to believe about her life in Paris. Her celebrating her birthday alone was just stupid. Both her mom and best friend came back from the dead and they were in Europe, I don't believe that she was lonely there.
I agree with that but for some reason GH is neglecting it. They seem to want to hit us over the head with the fact that Robin doesn't take any risk or is trying to hide from life. So I just see her going to Patrick as her way of "taking a risk" so to speak.
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