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Old 06-09-2018, 08:28 AM
Crystal Clear
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Originally Posted by LindaL100 (View Post)
Imagine if Rose never met Jack and she really jumped off the ship that night, it would've been heartbreaking for Ruth if she knew her daughter had killed herself because she was responsible for her own daughter's misery and suffering. Fortunately she met Jack on the ship and he saved her life, it was like fate had brought them together, they were the very definition of star-crossed lovers who were destined to meet each other on the ship

Jack got her to admit that she was never going to go through with killing herself; standing on the edge of that ship was like a cry for help.

ROSE: "You have a gift, Jack. You do. You see people."
JACK: "I see you."
ROSE: "And?"
JACK: "You wouldn't have jumped."

I agree, though, there were was an element of destiny to their relationship Sadly, for Jack, it was a tragic one.
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