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Old 06-07-2018, 07:48 PM
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Keri's random thoughts, Part 2:

- I can only imagine how hard it would be to grasp that your own mother tried to poison you. Even if you knew she wasn't it in her right mind, it's still painful. Poor Claude doesn't understand how much her mother loves and values her.
- Oh, clever Claude. Trying to bargin in order to get to choose who she marries. "Do you have someone in mind?" We know you're thinking of one charming former kitchen boy, Claude. #Cleith
- Spain's delegation already knows of the prince's... habits. Don Carlos slipped off of a wall while picking wild flowers for Queen Mary? Sure, let's go with that.
- "You are offering me a kindness and consideration I have rarely shown you through the years. WHY?"
- "Those feelings lead me to stand here with you."
- "Thank you, Sebastian." I love the way she says his name. HANDS!
- Don Carlos is going to live! That's not good. Catherine's stategy: kill the prince. Mary's stategy: tell the truth and beg for forgiveness. They are certainly attacking the problem from different angles.
- Narcisse allowing his wife to make that testimony, knowing it's false. Lola is beginning to doubt... Narcisse almost beleives his own lies. I think he really wants to believe that he didn't manipulate Lola into marrying him - that they married simply because they love each other. He's a little in denial, too.
- Lola's father and brothers are with the hostages.
- "Catherine, unhand that rag." Well it's always good to have a backup plan.
- Pretty Mary. Yes, that's true, Don Carlos. Mary is very pretty.
- Catherine is practically giddy when she realizes that the prince is impaired and doesn't remember what happened. What a relief.
- What an interesting deal... swapping Lola for the hostages. Did we ever find out what happened to Lola's family? I can't remember.

Last edited by kerbear28; 06-07-2018 at 07:59 PM
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