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Old 06-01-2018, 11:40 PM
L i N d $ @ y
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Bringing this over here:

The Houses and how they get angry/insult people:

Gryffindor: hot, overwhelming anger. short fuse. fire and bombs in your chest. usually blows over quickly for little things, but if they’re deeply hurt they can stay angry forever. Insults while mad tend to be yelled and choked out through rage; they generally find it difficult to think properly while angry, so they’re pretty basic insults. get angry over being laughed at and seeing something they deem wrong.

Ravenclaw: anger is itchy and stingy and makes them feel sick. it coils in them and they hate the feeling. usually get angry when their hobbies or passions are insulted, or are lied to. they usually deal with their anger by feigned confidence/arrogance and by using creative insults to try and make themselves feel more in control and superior to the person making them angry. they try hard to cover up their hurt and pretend it doesn’t bother them.

Hufflepuff: anger is low and thick and hurts. if it’s about them, they’re usually fairly quick to forgive and understand. but if they’re defending a friend or seeing someone innocent attacked, the anger is much stronger. hufflepuffs don’t generally enjoy insulting or hurting people, so their insults are usually aimed to make the other person feel bad or realise what they’ve done. ‘Why are you being so cruel?’ ‘You should be ashamed.’ are common phrases.

Slytherin: slytherins like to keep their anger under control, so they don’t often let it show. when they do, they tend to get angry over people insulting things that matter to them, and people questioning their knowledge on something they know a lot about. their insults are usually thought out in advance, and are aimed to hurt. they know where to hit, and if they know the person already, they’ve probably thought out how they’d hurt them well before the fight. often, they forgive but don’t forget.

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