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Old 05-26-2018, 01:29 AM
L i N d $ @ y
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Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
The Nick and June scene was so adorable! God, he loves her so much. Him saying he thinks about what the three of them could be! That was so precious. Then June says she thinks about it too… where does she think her husband and Hannah will fit into that equation though? Id be curious to know if shed immediately run back to Luke or if she would pick Nick over him now? NICK SAID HE LOVED HER AGSDSDSDFSDFDSF. Kick me in the gut! I loved that moment.
They were amazing in that ep. And June kept pushing him away cause he's a married man now. And Nick was actually nice to his wife, complementing her food even. I would think he's be mean to her or completely ignore her but he wasn't doing any of that. Well maybe at first but at least he didn't totally ignore her at all even though I would have preferred that.

Speaking of, OMG THAT ENDING. That was June’s friend right? The new “ofglen” that got her tongue ripped out? Wow, what a badass blowing them all up. I hope the commander is dead, I think it would breathe some new life into the show. But I just cant see that happening. I'm sure he will survive.
Dang, I forgot to include this on my post. I was so shocked when this happened. And yes that's the new Ofglen that was tortured and got her tongue ripped out. I think the Commander will survive but heavily injured perhaps although that was a huge explosion. That handmaid is dead right? I'd rather she dies because if she lives, they'll kill her anyway.

Love these photos!

This was the first day that all four colors of Gilead were reunited for Season 2. I love this photo so much. (And then I looked a little too long and realized that it’s incredibly surreal and unnerving.) What is everyone so happy about? Why am I lounging all up on Serena? Why are the Handmaid boots so cute? Still love it. Still super weird. What do you think? Surreal or Squad Goals? - @amandabrugel #marthalife

This season, we made a Waterford House Holiday card for the crew and it was the greatest day of my life. Please take a gander at Joe’s feet. And @yvonnestrahovski’s face. And the Santa in the bottom left that my Mommy made. Best day ever. Come thru Halloween!!! - @amandabrugel #marthalife

Let's go on a clumsy cute bestie trip!
Already miss our days in Cloud Planet.

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