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Old 05-12-2018, 10:33 AM
Part-Time Fan
Joined: Mar 2016
Posts: 144
Originally Posted by Alexa (View Post)
I didn’t understand why June’s comment about giving away her gifts upset Serena. What did that comment even mean? Was she just mad that she mentioned her previous life and child or something?
I think that Serena is desperate to believe that the baby is hers, but having trouble making herself believe it. It would suit her better to have June stay at the Red Center, out of sight and mind, and then have the baby handed to her when it's born. Any reminder of June or her pregnancy is unwelcome, as it contradicts the fantasy that the baby is really Serena's.

Another factor that may be troubling her is that the Handmaid system is based on the Biblical precedent of a wife claiming a baby fathered by her husband. Serena broke the rules. As Nick is the father, Serena could have trouble convincing herself that God means for her to have this baby.
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