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Old 04-21-2018, 04:49 PM
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Communication has never been their strong suit, and it was pretty much bound to lead to major problems. With Walter, it's something he struggles with in general, not just with Paige, but with everyone. It's part of why he hired Paige in the first place. With Paige, she seems to suffer from a problem that lots of people have - expecting the significant other to be their ideal of a partner and then being disappointed when they don't measure up. Paige, however, has told Walter that the way he is is part of who he is - and he shouldn't try to be someone that he's not. Then she turns around and that's exactly what she wants from him - to be someone that he's not.
Sheldon/Amy ღ Mulder/Scully ღ Peter/Olivia ღ Mac/Harm ღ Toby/Happy ღ Walter/Paige ღ Wylie/Vega
</scorpion>Fringe The Mentalist
"You said you were sad that you'd never see the stars again" - Sylvester Dodd

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