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Old 04-18-2006, 08:08 PM
New Fan
Joined: Jan 2004
Posts: 20
Ok bare with me...this is going to be a little long !

You guy's have all made valid point's that Sara is still a very flawed individual, and tends to think with her heart a lot more than her head, but I still can't shake the fact that despite all the red flags Michael has up with the emotional baggage to boot (the low-latent inhibition whatever the hell you call it), she would let herself get sucked in so deeply, so quickly. It's one thing to show some compassion towards the man, and try to pull some strings to help save his brother and whatnot, but to kiss the man in the bloody prison were she could so easily get caught (and would have hell to pay for it), after not too long ago saying their relationship will no longer have any favors whatsoever and it would be doctor/patinet, is ridiculous! And please don't get me started on the whole"you'll never see anything happen between me and a inmate" bull.

I know I'm ranting, but the goo-goo eyes, hand caressing, acting like a scorned girlfriend when she found out he was married, becuase god-forbid a man in a prison isn't going to flirt with a beautiful doctor who is one of the very few women in the joint; secretly visiting shrinks outside of's too much now. At first I didn't mind the little mistakes here and there because the relationship still made sense, and had a quiet, yet intense chemistry especially in the ep's before the riots. And not to mention that both SWC and WM are top notch actors, but now this ship is starting to irritate me and it's mostly due to Dr. Not going to get down and dirty with the inmates..oh wait, maybe this one time..Tancredi!
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