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Old 04-02-2018, 09:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Wilpen (View Post)

No clue how you do it. We could talk about this in detail on the health/personality thread but I'm figuring your INTJ is why you are able to put up with an office filled with people, working around tons of people, even being in charge of people. You are on a mission to get your work accomplished so you can maybe tune out the extroverted setting as a result a little better? You don't have to deal with empathy so it's easier? We can discuss on the health thread if you want! LOL
It's definitely not easy at all. I am feeling down after work every day. I spent most of the weekend in sleeping/relaxing. Overall I have quite low energy and most probably the reason is social interaction at work. I have always felt this way. In fact as a kid I have always wondered how those other kids have energy to do sport. Like really. I had no strength to do that. I am sleepy all the time. There is no time when my eyes do not feel heavy.

What helps me is the fact that I live alone. I have no one at home to drain me. The other plus is that most of my interaction at work is via chat/emails and to some extend video meetings. Personal face to face communication is the most draining for me. That's another reason why I leave this type of interaction to other people in the team. People that have high levels of energy than me.

For the most part though I have just always felt drowsy and drained and tired since kid so I am used to this being part of me and who I am. Back then I did not even know why I felt this way. I knew that this was just my regular me. And if I want to feel better I have to basically stay at home all the time and that's just not realistic. I need to work.

Example on how I drained I feel. A co-worker that in general I get along to has the habit to hum while being with headphones. Makes me go insane if I am not with my headphones . Like seriously.
I am an ancient soul in a modern body, with a futuristic state of mind.

Last edited by secretk; 04-02-2018 at 10:05 PM
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