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Old 04-01-2018, 01:35 PM
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Avril Lavigne Crossword #5: Forced Into Opening A New One (Current: Various Sources)

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3. MTV Diary, Avril had a yellow shirt that said __ on it.
5. __ appears to be the phone number on the Vintage Clothing sign seen in "What the Hell."
9. __ was Avril Lavigne's lead guitar.
10. In "Mobile" a road sign reads __ Sacramento left 2 lanes.
11. Avril made almost __ on the subway performance.
13. Avril ordered a sandwich at __ when her song came on.
16. Avril joined a boy's __ team when she was __.
19. Avril went with Evan to __ to do some grocery shopping on June 19, 2003.
21. Avril crashes the cab around __ Street in "What the Hell."
23. There's a video where Avril really dislikes __ (insect).
26. When Avril was singing in the subway before "Let Go" she had a __ coloured shirt on that said __ on it.
27. __ was the name of Avril's assistant who said "Hey!" when Avril commented on never wearing a dumb hat like this when she had one on.


1. __ is the phone number of an income tax company which actually seems to be legit seen when Avril was speeding down streets in the taxi in "What the Hell."
2. Avril likes __ more than golf.
4. __ was the number in the subway where they sung some at.
6. __ is a song that Avril and Evan had sung together live before.
7. __ seems to be what the shirt says that a woman is looking at in the store in "What the Hell" as the guy who is following Avril walks by her.
8. Avril appeared to have a hat with the logo for the __ on in the subway that she performed on before.
12. When Avril enters the store in "What the Hell" there is a __ music vinyl visible to her left side as she walks in.

14. Before jamming on the subway, Avril had to go buy a(n) __.
15. __ didn't like Avril's belt buckle because of the letters.
17. __ was one of Avril's bodyguards.
18. During live performances Avril would sing part of the song __ before My Happy Ending.
20. In "Mobile" a road sign reads Ventura to the left of that it says __.
22. On June 19, 2003 Evan had a __ shirt on.

24. The woman Avril talked to when she walked in the store in "What the Hell" was holding a(n) __.
25. The basketball in "What the Hell" appears to be of the __ brand of ball.
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