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Old 03-28-2018, 06:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Azaiya (View Post)

You and me both! Protective Pacey is hot. The characters talked about Pacey having a "hero complex" or, like Dawson said, he only went after girls he can "save or screw". I really didn't see it that way. He punched that guy who was hitting on Drunk Joey in Season 1 because that guy took a swing at him. He was there for Andie because he loved her. He spit on the teacher (right or wrong) because the teacher was being a complete @$$hole to Jack and to him. He punched Dawson because he was asking for it. He punched Matt Caulfield because he deserved it. And Joey didn't need "saving" and he waited 9 months until she was ready for sex. I know Joey is quite capable of taking care of herself, as am I, but I personally wouldn't be attracted to someone who isn't willing to throw down for me if necessary.

#6 - 1
#12 - 1
#15 - 2
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I agree, I love how protective Pacey is over people he cares about. It's very attractive how he has people's back and will stick up for and protect them. I'm glad they had a reunion, I just hope there are couple covers like they did with Buffy. There better be a Pacey/Joey cover with "Ten" on it dammit. I look forward to reading their thoughts, especially about P/J. Their still the most popular thing to come out of DC.

I hope 12 doesn't go, Joey saying she needs Pacey is huge and shows her love for him A LOT.
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