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Old 03-22-2018, 05:17 PM
Dedicated Fan
Joined: Nov 1999
Posts: 922
Joey Loves Pacey Survivor

*Vote for your least favorite moment.
*You may vote only once per round.
*The moment(s) will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple days.
All graphics are from Pacey and Joey Tumblr and Dawson's Creek Source, and belong to their respective owners

Round 8

1. None of the Above (3x03)

Pacey: You, Dawson Leery, are a self-righteous son of a bitch who cares more about his rose-colored defunct 1950s belief-system than the people who fail to live up to it.
Dawson: Interesting choice of words coming from a smug, cold-hearted son of a bitch who just dumped his girlfriend after she begged and pleaded for an ounce of sympathy.
Pacey: At least I didn’t send her father to prison.
Dawson: No, you just made her go crazy.
(Pacey punches Dawson. Dawson hits him back. Pacey falls and Joey rushes outside.)
Joey (angrily): Dawson, what are you doing?
(Joey brushes past him and kneels beside Pacey, taking his arm.)
Pacey (slowly sitting up): It’s my fault. Sorry.
Joey: Dawson, this has got to stop. (Joey turns to Pacey.) Are you okay?
(Pacey nods. He and Joey glare at Dawson.)

2. Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner (3x08)

Andie: So, you guys have gotten to be pretty good friends lately.
Joey: Yeah. Pacey’s a doofus but… (Joey smiles to herself fondly) he has his moments.

3. Valentine’s Day Massacre (3x14)

Joey: How does he do it?
Andie: Who? Dawson?
Joey: No Pacey. How does he always manage to get us into these situations?
Andie: It’s his cocky charm.
Joey: Cocky, yes, but I don’t think the Village Idiot routine equals charm.
Andie: He means well.
Joey: Why is he so irritating?
Andie: If you think about it he is this big dopey dog.
Joey: You’re right, it’s like he runs through the house destroying everything and then he looks at you like, “Wait, what did you expect, I’m just a dog.”
Andie (chuckles): You know who you sound like?
Joey: Who?
Andie: Me, right before I started dating him.

4. Valentine’s Day Massacre (3x14)

Pacey: Wait hold on. Please. What I said last night was way out of line. Yes I was drunk but more to the point I was just plain wrong. And I want you to know that I’m really sorry.
Joey: I was worried about you too, Pacey.
Pacey: Me? Why?
Joey: Because Satan himself could lead Dawson into the fiery pits of hell and he would still emerge with his moral code firmly intact but you… maybe I think that nobody is worrying about you right now.
Pacey: So what you’re really saying is that given the highly dysfunctional nature of our relationship this is how you express concern for me.
Joey: You gotta learn to read between the banter, Pacey.

5. Crime and Punishment (3x15)

Pacey: Doug, I’m a soldier here returning from the killing fields. Where’s my purple heart, my ticker-tape parade?
Joey (entering, snaps): Watch it on your black-and-white. You know the one with the coat-hanger for an antenna at the Chevron station where you’re probably going to be pumping gas for the rest of your natural born life, Pacey. Of all the bone-headed moves!
Pacey: What are you talking about? I was right, it was Matt Caulfield.
Joey: Yeah and that lets you off how?
Pacey: Because the guy deserves whatever he gets, preferably his silver spoon shoved up his ass.
Joey (sarcastically): Oh that’s funny, Pacey, that’s really funny.
Pacey: Oh, this is rich. Here I am trying to do the right thing, y’know sometimes a guy can’t win.
Joey: No, he can’t. Not if he completely overreacts to a situation. If you’re going to throw away your future, do it on your own account okay?
Pacey: Well, hey, don’t get me wrong, don’t think I ever cared here; I was only doing Dawson a favor.
Joey: Dawson?
Pacey: Yes, Dawson. You know, looking out for you… Think back with me, way back. Like the beginning of the school year? Dawson Leery returns from the big city a changed man, determined to sever ties with Girl Across the Creek, so he asks Trusted Friend to look out for said girl during the delicate transitional period. Trusted Friend of course he obliges and now Trusted Friends gets his head handed to him on a platter.
Joey (stung): So you guys just traded me off like some sort of baseball card? Is that what this is about?
Pacey: What?
Joey: Us! You and me. I thought that…
Pacey (quietly): You thought what?
Joey: …I guess I thought something else Pacey.

6. Crime and Punishment (3x15)

Pacey: So are you gonna thank me?
Joey: For what?
Pacey: For all manner of things. You know like defending your honor, bucking the system—
Joey: Tilting at windmills while in the throes of a misguided hero complex?
Pacey: Well, yeah, that too.
Joey: Pacey, if I was going to thank you for anything it would be for being yourself and, not caring what anybody else thinks. And for knowing in your heart what’s right and wrong, and… for being there this year, when I needed you the most.
Pacey: You’re welcome. (Pacey holds up the bucket of paint.) So you wanna help?
Joey: One condition.
Pacey: Sure, name it.
Joey: Be honest… (Pacey looks at her expectantly as Joey pours paint into the tray) The only reason you’ve been hanging out with me is simply because Dawson told you to?
Pacey (straight-faced, looking at the wall as he paints): Yup, that’s the only reason.
Joey: You need to get a life.
(Pacey chuckles. Joey grins warmly up at him.)

7. To Green With Love (3x16)

Pacey: Right here. Whoa, stop. Right there. Perfect, we’re here.
Joey: Pacey I don’t know where you think “here” is, but it seems to me we’re nowhere.
Pacey: Think back with me for just a second. Remember how this whole thing started? It started with a girl, a wall, and a paintbrush.
Joey (wryly): You bought me a paintbrush.
Pacey: No, Lame-O, I stole this from your permanent collection. (Pacey gestures behind him with the paintbrush. Joey regards the wall behind him.)
Joey (in disbelief): You bought me a wall?
Pacey: Not bought. Rented. And this thing didn’t come cheap either, it cost me a hundred bucks.
Joey (incredulously): You bought me a wall?
Pacey: You said that already. Look it’s a limited time offer, so you should get cracking.
Joey (amazed): Pacey, did you fail to notice the size of this thing?
Pacey: Well I just thought your next endeavor should be bigger and better than your last one. It’s important you keep growing both as a person and as an artist. (Joey stares at him thoughtfully as he continues) I also got you this. (Pacey holds up a bucket of paint.) Now I know this isn’t going to cover the whole thing, but as the saying goes the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Joey: I’m going to need your help on this one.
Pacey: No-no-no-no, not this time. You’re on your own, sister.
Joey: Pacey, you’re unbelievable. I mean as soon as I think I have you all figured out you go and you do something so… outrageous that completely challenges me in a way that no one could ever think of…In case I don’t say it enough, thank you.

8. Stolen Kisses (3x19)

Joey: Are you okay?
Pacey: Not so much, no.
Joey: Well what’s wrong?
Pacey: Well… it’s the history. It’s killing me. How can a guy compete if you guys have your own karaoke routine?
Joey: Pacey, you’re not supposed to compete we’re supposed to have our own hist— (Joey catches herself, but Pacey has already caught her meaning. They stare at each other for a brief moment, struck. Joey breaks first, saying quickly) I didn’t mean that.
Pacey: Then what did you mean?
Joey: I don’t even know anymore Pacey.
Pacey: You know this little arrangement we got going between us? It sucks. It sucks up one side and down the other. It’s uncomfortable, it’s weird, and I hate every single second of it.
Joey: Really? Then why did you come here Pacey?
Pacey: Y’know, for a bright girl you can be really daft sometimes. Why do you think I came here? I came here to be with you! When you like somebody, proximity is a good thing. Regardless of how they feel about you… or don’t, as the case may be.
(Pacey walks around her, heading back inside. Joey looks thoughtful for a moment and then whirls around.)
Joey (to his retreating back): Look, I felt it.
Pacey (stopping and turning to her): What?
Joey: This morning... when your arm brushed against me in bed and... I felt it.
Pacey: How did it feel?
Joey: …It made me feel alive.

9. Stolen Kisses (3x19)

Pacey: You don’t have to worry I’m not going to kiss you again, Joey... What’s going on here?
Joey: I don’t know.
Pacey: Don’t you think I deserve a better than that answer after all this?
Joey: Pacey believe me I’ve been trying to get you out of my head. I’ve tried to pretend this is some bizarre, hormonal glitch but it’s not working.
Pacey: Do you really want it to work?
Joey: I tried to tell him.
Pacey: Really? What happened?
Joey: I couldn’t really find the words which I know is odd considering the sheer volume of words spoken throughout the course of our relationship, but this—
Pacey: Well what would you have told him?
Joey: …I don’t know.
Pacey: I don’t believe you.
Joey (standing): Pacey. I don’t have any answers right now okay, can’t you understand that—
Pacey: The only reason that you don’t have any answers is because you’ve been too scared to ask yourself the right questions.
Joey: What are you talking about?
Pacey: Look, I know how I feel. You know how I feel. That is much is obvious by now. But during this whole process we’ve managed to miss the point. Because the point is not how I feel, it’s how you feel. So how do you feel?
Joey: Awful. That’s how I feel, Pacey, I feel awful.
Pacey: So do I. When I was kissing you tonight, I don’t think I’ve ever felt better and worse at one time in my entire life. The very idea that Dawson or Andie would find out about us is killing me. It is tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can’t get rid of them! (He stands) I can’t keep on kissing you, Jo.
Joey: What do you mean?
Pacey: I mean just that. I can’t keep on kissing you. Alright, I’ve done it twice now. I can’t be the one who is always initiating this. I can’t be the one who is always giving you the answers… Look at me Joey.
Joey: I can’t.
Pacey: Please. (Joey raises her eyes to his.) If you felt even one shred of what I feel for you, we wouldn't be sitting here having this conversation. (He begins to walk past.)
Joey: Pacey... (She grabs his hand to stop him and turns to face him. He looks down at his hand in both of hers. Staring into Pacey’s eyes Joey moves in close and kisses him deeply.)

10. The Longest Day (3x20)

(Int. boathouse – Pacey and Joey are making out.)
Joey: Come on let’s go Pacey. (They kiss briefly; Pacey breaks the kiss to lift Joey onto the counter.) It’s your boat we’re planning on christening.
Pacey: I own a boat? (They kiss some more. Joey breaks it.)
Joey: We have to stop doing this, it’s wrong.
Pacey: Yes, dead wrong. (He begins kissing her neck.)
Joey: Pacey… Look, we’ve been in denial all week. (Their fingers intertwine as she continues.) When we’re around other people we pretend like nothing’s changed and then the minute we’re alone it turns into this. (Pacey kisses her.)
Pacey: This what?
Joey: This… (She gestures with their entwined hands.) This embarrassing gropefest!
Pacey: Yeah, I guess this is kinda embarrassing, huh? Especially for you, given how much you protested. (He kisses her.)
Joey: I did not protest.
Pacey: You did too. (They resume kissing. Pacey reluctantly stops them.) Wait, wait, wait...
Joey (softly): What?
Pacey: We gotta tell him Jo. We do. We gotta tell him as soon as possible because the longer we wait, Jo, the worse it gets.
Joey: I know. I know, Pacey. I’ve tried, I’ve tried plenty of times.
Pacey: Every time I see the guy now, I just feel like sh—
Joey: You don’t have to bother filling in the expletive okay? I mean, this isn’t exactly the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do Pacey. Telling Dawson that while he wasn’t looking I've developed this bizarre gravitational pull towards his best friend and I can't stop thinking about him or wanting to be near him, (Joey takes his face in her hands) or wanting to kiss him all the time. (They kiss again, Joey wraps her arms tightly around his shoulders.)

11. The Longest Day (3x20)

Joey: Thanks again for the ride, Jen.
Jen: Oh God, don’t worry about it.
Joey: I was supposed to go by this morning and I got kinda busy and—
Jen: You know you don’t have to explain… Unless, of course, there’s something you want to explain.
Joey: Recently you and I spoke about unrequited feelings that a certain someone—
Jen: Namely Pacey.
Joey: Namely Pacey... may have had for me, and how those feelings expressed themselves in the form of a kiss… They're not. Unrequited, that is… They are actually very much requited.
Jen: Okay so you kissed back a certain someone — namely Pacey – and you’d like for that to continue?
Joey: I think so... (she smiles tenderly) yes.

12. The Longest Day (3x20)

Joey: I didn’t intend for any of this to happen, Dawson, any of it.
Dawson: Joey, what you intended doesn’t provide me any solace. What do you love him? Do you just want to sleep with him?
Joey: How can you say that?
Dawson: It’s what he’s gonna expect.
Joey: We’re not together Dawson. And we haven’t been for a long time. Almost a whole year has gone by—
Dawson: What is this, punishment? Because I didn’t want to get back together with you?
Joey: Why would you think that I would do that?
Dawson: So why? Why? You keep on saying that you want to go find yourself. Is this what you’ve been looking for the whole ti— Is Pacey what you’ve been looking for?
Joey: No.
Dawson: Then explain it to me. Explain to me how two people who can barely stand to be in the same room with each other end up outside my window arguing about the future of their relationship.
Joey: I can’t, okay. I can’t explain it, it happened. …Everything between you and me is so complicated.
Dawson: If things between us are complicated it’s because you made them that way. And you think whatever was wrong when you were with me is magically going to get better when you’re with him?
Joey: I don't know Dawson. I don’t know, okay? All I know is that I… I need him.

13. True Love (3x23)

(Joey races down the dock towards the boat, calling Pacey’s name. Pacey comes out of the boathouse.)
Pacey: You want something, Jo?
Joey: I wanna talk to you.
Pacey (walking past her, making preparations to leave): No, no. It’s a bit late for this. I’m leaving, you can’t stop me so don’t even try.
Joey: No, that’s not why I’m here.
Pacey (dryly): So why are you here? You want to say good-bye again? What you want to rub it in a little, huh?
Joey: I don’t want to stop you, Pacey. I don’t want to stop Dawson and I don’t want to be stopped. Not by either of you, not by anyone. See, this is what this whole year has been about—we’ve been trying to stop each other from moving on and growing up but… but not you. You’re different and you’ve challenged me every step of the way and you’ve been there every step of the way.
Pacey (straightening up and going past again as he says evenly): Jo, departure time is in T-minus 30 seconds so if there’s a point I suggest you get to it.
Joey: I think I'm in love with you.
Pacey (freezing): …You think or you know?
Joey: I know. (Pacey finally turns to look at her, amazed. She continues warmly) I've known it since the moment you kissed me and maybe even before that. And, scary as it is, I don’t want to deny it anymore Pacey. I don’t want to run from it and I don’t want to let it run from me.
Pacey: So… what are we gonna do here, Jo?
Joey: I want to come with you.
Pacey (laughs in surprise): What? Are you crazy?
Joey: No. I want to stop standing still. I want to move forward. I want to come with you.
Pacey: But what about Bessie and the B&B? They need you.
Joey (lovingly): Not as much as I need you, Pacey.

14. Coming Home (4x01)

Joey: Well, I’ve decided something. And it is perhaps the singularly most important thing that I’ve realized in the last 45 minutes so I must share it with you. This town has way too many stoplights for someone who isn’t very good at driving stick. I stalled seven times coming over here.
Pacey (noncommittally): Too bad it wasn't eight.
Joey (sits next to him, continuing): I stalled seven times, and six out of the seven times you know what I thought about? You. It's this secret thing I do whenever I get really pissed off or confused or angry or upset or sad. I think of you and I immediately feel good inside. (Joey smiles to herself) I guess it’s kind of like taking a good-mood pill or something… And I swore to myself that I would never tell you I did this because it is so girly and stupid and I just told you because I needed to score major points for not explaining what went down tonight. Or where I’ve been when the last week when I haven’t been on this boat...
Pacey: Keep going.
Joey: Pacey, I wanted to see Dawson tonight not because for four months of my life he was my boyfriend, because for the better part of my life he was my friend. And as my friend, I hurt him deeply. And living with that fact has caused me no small amount of guilt over the past three months. So, yes I have been preoccupied and it has made my mind wander but… my heart? That’s a fixed point. Three months riding the open waters couldn’t shake it. I’ll be damned if I let your insecurities shake it. My heart has never left this boat. It’s never left you. And as far as I can see it’s not going to any time soon.

15. Failing Down (4x02)

Pacey: You know they want to see me in the guidance office after school?
Joey: So?
Pacey: So do they want to see you in the guidance office after school?
Joey: No.
Pacey: No. See that right there is a bad sign; it means they’re singling me out already.
Joey: Don’t worry sweetie. They probably want to extend a hand and let you know they’re there to help you fulfill your destiny as the world’s greatest gas station attendant.
Pacey: Oh that’s cute.
Joey: What, suddenly teasing is out of the question?
Pacey: No, tease away you little hussy. But you do raise an interesting point, and I think we should talk about it now that we’re back at school.
Joey: Talk about what exactly?
Pacey: Well, our mutual wants and needs.
Joey: Did you actually just say that out loud?
Pacey: As you said, we’re a couple now, Potter. And as a couple, there’s a couple of things we need to discuss.
Joey: Such as?
Pacey: Kissing in public.
Joey: Maybe.
Pacey: Maybe?
Joey: Well if it’s of a spontaneous variety.
Paecy: Good Lord, woman, you really are a fickle mistress you know that? Without kissing what do really have left?
Joey (matter-of-factly): Precious little. We should probably break up. (Walking past him towards the classroom)
Pacey (to her back): Yeah, well we had a good run, didn’t we?
Joey: Um-hmm.
(Joey grins, turns and grabs Pacey, kissing him passionately.)

16. Failing Down (4x02)

Joey: Pacey, what does Dawson have to do with you screwing up at school?
Pacey: Well, nothing and everything. Dawson Leery would never have screwed up like I did, Jo. It just wouldn’t happen, you know that.
Joey: You’re right. Do you know what else Dawson would never do? He would never inspire me to run away with him for the summer. It just wouldn’t happen, and you know that. We had a magic summer Pacey. We shared something that I’m going to remember for the rest of my life. Don’t you see? We’re creating our own history here, a history that has nothing to do with Dawson.
Pacey: That’s a nice way of looking at it.
Joey: Yeah… You know, this is… this where it gets rough.
Pacey: What do you mean?
Joey: We spent three months on the sea but we haven’t even come close to weathering the storm. We ran away. We made our own reality and it was so wonderful and—
Pacey: It couldn’t last forever.
Joey: Nor should it. Pacey, a relationship isn’t about a romantic three-month cruise. It’s gonna be the details that define us, you know… the moments.
Pacey: Okay. Joey. I am really scared… um, I think that I screwed up and I’m gonna flunk out of high school. So I need your help. Really badly.
Joey: That’s all you needed to say, Pace.
Pacey: Easy for you to say.
Joey: Whatever it takes we’re gonna fix it. Everything's gonna be okay.
Pacey: How can you be so sure?
Joey: I'm not going anywhere without you.

17. Two Gentlemen of Capeside (4x03)

Joey: Pacey do you have any idea how pissed off I am at you right now?
Pacey: Jo, the best memories of my life are on that sailboat. It represents everything that is good to me in this world so you just gotta excuse me if I'm having a bit of a hard time letting it all go right now.
Joey: No I won’t excuse you. I don't think I've ever been so scared for someone in my whole life!
Pacey: ...I'm sorry that I put you though that.
Joey: Just… Can you do me a favor? In the future when you’re dealing with life or death matters… remember that you're thinking for two.

18. Future Tense (4x04)

Joey: I can’t walk Pacey.
Pacey: Before I have to drag you kicking and screaming but now you want to be carried? No.
Joey: It’s a woman’s prerogative to change her mind.
Pacey: Ah, but tonight you’re one of the guys remember, and guys walk. So come on, Number Four, out you get. Watch your head. (Pacey helps her out of the car.)
Joey: Uh… I don’t really feel so good.
Pacey: Well guess what, you’re going to feel even worse tomorrow morning. (He touches her hips, guiding her towards her house.) And you still won’t be any closer to getting into the ivy-covered institution of your choice.
Joey (stopping and facing him): Pacey… I’ve been doing some thinking.
Pacey: Yeah, drunk thinking.
Joey: Maybe… maybe that’s not what I really want. Maybe I just want to stay here. You know, look it’s really beautiful here. And I could just—
Pacey: Just what? Stay here and work as a waitress all your life? Come on. Forgive me if you’re losing me here, Jo, but to be perfectly honest you haven’t made the slightest bit of sense all night, even before you got drunk—
Joey: I want to be with you Pacey. I want to stay and be with you.

19. You Had Me At Goodbye (4x07)

(Pacey is standing outside of the restroom. Joey approaches him.)
Joey: Is anybody in there?
Pacey: Yeah, and there’s only room for one… which seems to be a recurring theme these days.
Joey: Pace, I’m really sor—
Pacey: Hold on a sec, let me go first this time. Jo, I’m sorry how I reacted to that whole peer-rec thing. I think it was kind of a left hook to the hot button and I reacted… like Pacey.
Joey: Do you know who that guy you reacted like is going to be in ten years, Pace? The person who knows me best. Dawson knows my past. My future lies with you.

20. Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang (4x09)

Pacey: Did it ever occur to you that I was doing all of that for you?
Joey: And how exactly do I benefit from your distortion of the truth?
Pacey: Well maybe I just wanted these people to see you through my eyes for one night. To see this girl, this woman, who has more class and intelligence and beauty and grace than anyone else who’s walking the face of the planet. And maybe things like this just come tumbling out of my mouth because I happen to be head over heels in love with you but the really scary thing is I think that they’re true. (Pacey kisses Joey’s forehead)
Joey: Sorry Pace, I just wantred to impress these people so badly, you know, to fit in. And I completely froze.
Pacey: That doesn’t matter.
Joey: Yes it does. I’ve never wanted anything so bad before in my life and you, you just fit right in, better than I ever will.
Pacey: That’s because there’s nothing at stake for me here, Jo. I have nothing to prove to these people. Jo, this world it is opening up its doors for you. And when you step through you’re going to be such a big part of all this. And wherever you choose to go, you’re doing them the favor. Not the other way around.
Joey: You know your mom should get a medal.
Pacey: Mom? Really? Why is that?
Joey: Because she raised the perfect boy. And maybe things like that just tumble out of my mouth because I happen to be head over heels in love with you. But the scary thing is I think it’s true. (They kiss)

21. The Te of Pacey (4x12)
Joey trying all day to make Pacey feel good on his birthday, and mouthing “I love you” when she presents him with his birthday cake.

22. A Winter’s Tale (4x14)

Pacey: Hey.
Joey: Hey.
Pacey: How long you been there?
Joey: Long enough to remember why it is that I love you… Why every part of me loves you.
(Joey kisses his forehead and takes his hand, and they head to their cabin.) Hey Pace, you can still be upset. You can still be angry, you earned it.
Pacey: I’m not angry with you.
Joey (Joey stops walking to look him in the eye): You are, and it’s okay. You have a right to be. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. And me, I don’t have to be so afraid. (She kisses him.)
Pacey: What do you say you and I go in there, lock the door, cuddle up together, and I read you a story?
Joey (kissing him again): We didn’t bring our book.
Pacey: That’s all right, I’ll make one up.
Joey (grins at him as they resume walking): I like that idea. (Joey takes his arm and squeezes it with both of hers, resting her head on his shoulder.)

23. A Winter's Tale (4x14)

(Interior of the cabin. Joey is brushing her hair at the mirror.)
Pacey: May I?
Joey: Sure. (Pacey takes the brush and slowly brushes Joey’s hair) Pace? …Do you still have your wallet?
Pacey: I thought we were done talking about that.
Joey (slowly taking the brush from him and setting it down): We are.
Pacey (wrapping his arms around her and digging into his wallet): You wanna throw it away?
Joey: I wanna throw the wrapper away.
Pacey (stares at her in surprise, and then says with a small laugh): If this is about what I was—
Joey (intently): Pacey, this is about how you carried my bag off the bus yesterday. This is about how when we go to the movies and you go to buy popcorn you always make sure to bring back a napkin so I don’t wipe all the grease on my jeans. This is about how just last week when we were at miniature golf you took all the shots first so I know the correct path.
Pacey: Oh I was just—
Joey (unbuttoning Pacey’s shirt): You taught me to drive. And last year at prom you knew the bracelet I was wearing was my mom’s. (Joey looks up at him and says tenderly) You kissed me first, sweetheart. And the second time you counted to ten before doing it again just in case I wanted to stop you. (Joey peels his shirt from his shoulders.) You bought me a wall. (She kisses his fingers.)
Pacey: I didn’t buy it, so much as I—
Joey: We were alone on a boat for three months and you understood without a word why I wasn’t ready. (Joey pulls his undershirt up and over his head.) Do you have to ask me now why I am? (Pacey gazes lovingly at her and brushes her hair out of her face. Their fingers intertwine. Joey whispers) Pace… I’m gonna count to ten, and then I’m going to start kissing you. If you don’t want me to, then you’re just gonna have to stop me. (They stare into each other’s eyes. She slides her fingers up his arm and lightly rests her hand on his chest.) Ten, my love. (She begins kissing him.)

24. Four Stories (4x15)

(Joey is sitting outside. Pacey comes out and sits next to her.)
Joey: You want to know why it was so nice, Pacey? You probably don’t even remember but… there was this thing… There you were, above me and you brushed my hair over my forehead. It felt really nice. It made me feel safe. Like no matter what you were gonna be there and you were gonna protect me. Years from now when I look back I’m really not going to remember the clumsy positioning or the morning-after awkwardness or whether or not the experience itself met the textbook definition of great sex. I’ll remember how sweet you were, how you took me to this brand new place. Pace, I’m glad I had sex. I’m really glad I had sex with you. And now I really just kinda want to go home… so we can do it again. (Grinning, Joey kisses him)

25. Mind Games (4x16)

Pacey: I got it. We check ourselves into the B&B, we use assumed names, Bessie’s none the wiser, and we finally get to spend an entire night together for the first time in two weeks, whaddaya say?
Joey: There are no vacancies there’s some Winter Arts Festival in Wellfleet.
Pacey: Well what do you think about you and me, the boiler room, right now.
Joey (after a pause): No. Pacey.
Pacey: You considered that, didn’t you? You did, I saw it in your eyes. You, Josephine Potter, actually considered skipping AP Bio and engaging in illicit sexual activities with your boyfriend—on school grounds no less. Naughty girl. (Joey smiles flirtatiously and kisses him.)
Joey: Well this is second semester senior year; I guess these grades don’t really count for anything.

26. Mind Games (4x16)

(Joey knocks at Pacey’s front door. Pacey opens it and Joey immediately drops her bag, grabs his face and kisses him deeply.)
Pacey: Good God, woman, it’s not even nighttime yet!
Joey: Oh? (She kisses him again, tackling him on to the couch.)
Pacey (as Joey kisses his mouth and his cheek): Not even a “Hello”, “How are you doing”, “How was your day after school today, Pacey?”
Joey: Hi. (She resumes kissing him.)
Pacey: Yeah, hi. (As Joey plants kisses on his lips, his face, his neck.) Y’know, I don't think I like this turn our relationship has taken here. You have no respect for my feelings, we never talk anymore... (He groans as she kisses the side of his neck.)
Joey: Pace. We spent nine months talking; we’ve been doing this for two weeks. (She kisses him again)
Pacey: That still doesn’t mean you get to treat me as a sex object.
Joey: Aww, I can see you’re all broken up about it.
Pacey (against her lips): Yes I am.
Joey: Mm-hmm. (Joey kisses him again)

27. Separation Anxiety (4x21)

Joey: Hey there you are. I’ve been looking all over for you… What’s wrong?
Pacey: Um, well… Kublick wants me to work on his boat this summer. That’s what the offer was about; it didn’t have anything to do with going to Worthington.
Joey (after a long silence she takes his hand): Let’s go.
Pacey: You know what? I think I’ll go, but I think that you should stay here, Jo. I’ve been watching you in there, gliding from conversation to conversation with complete confidence and ease this time. I don’t know if you remember the last Worthington party you and I attended together but you were kind of a jumble of nerves. …I guess I was kind of hoping that you would need me to be your savior again tonight but that’s no longer the case. You don’t need that now, things are different. And I think that they’re better this way. The only thing that remains the same is you’re still the most beautiful girl in the room.
Joey: Pace…
Pacey: No, you can’t leave, this is it now. This is your life. You should enjoy it.
Joey: How can I enjoy it without you?

28. The Graduate (4x22)

Joey: Glad that you made it.
Pacey: Yeah. It was a nice party. (There is a heavy silence. Pacey steps closer and says conversationally) I was thinking about tomorrow.
Joey: What about this Tomorrowland? Does it look even remotely bright?
Pacey: It certainly didn’t when it held the prospect of never seeing you again.
Joey: …How is that any different from the here and now?
Pacey (after another long silence): I think I should probably go off and live my own life for a little while. And that certainly doesn’t mean this is the way I wanted things to end between us. So hypothetically speaking, if I were lucky enough one day to find myself owning a sailboat again, and I were to ask the woman that I love to go sailing with me… would she?
Joey: You wouldn't have to ask, Pace.

29. Clean and Sober (6x14)

Pacey: And here we are, home sweet home. (Pacey lays Joey down on the bed.)
Joey: Already?
Pacey: Yeah I know, it’s a long trip up from the living room. (He begins taking off her shoes.)
Joey: Well that was fun. See? I’m a lovely drunk.
Pacey: You are indeed, Miss Potter.
Joey: I met so many new people tonight. People love me.
Pacey: And they love it when you tell them your friend’s dirty little secrets.
Joey: Huh?
Pacey: Nothing. Nevermind.
Joey: It was a wonderful party Pacey… until all the smashes and stuff.
Pacey: Yeah the smashing was not so good.
Joey: I’m sorry about the television thing.
Pacey: It’s okay, it happens. And I probably was getting a little too attached.
Joey: Can’t have that.
Pacey: No. And I’m glad you had a good time, you deserved it. And you are a lovely, wise drunk Miss Potter… What you said earlier was right. I never did. How could I? (Pacey brushes her hair over her forehead.) Just look at you.
Joey: You know what else we never did? (Joey sits up and kisses him.)

30. Castaways (6x15)

Joey: Hey Pace, did you—
Pacey: Put all the stuff back? Yeah. But some of it we’re gonna have to pay for, like the clothes.
Joey: Pace, did you—
Pacey: If the next words out of your mouth are “take out the trash” I will officially have a preview of what it would be like to be married to you.
Joey: And?
Pacey (grinning): It ain’t pretty.
Joey: What I was going to say, did you know?
Pacey: Did I know what?
Joey: That this was a dream come true.
Pacey: Which part?
Joey: All of it. (They turn to face each other.) When you and I were on the boat I used to dream that we would be castaway somewhere. On your standard tropical island with the white sand beaches and the giant stars overheard. We’d wear no clothes and we’d splash in the surf all day. And then at night the moon would be this… this giant thing. (Joey smiles) And it was always full.
Pacey: I like this fantasy. I’d catch fish with my bare hands. Make fires without matches.
Joey: I’d make the fires. (Pacey gives her a look.) Who paid attention in science class?
Pacey: Okay good point.
Joey: Besides, it’s my fantasy. I guess I never told you about it before because it’s (laughs) embarrassing y’know… and not at all original.
Pacey: In any case you were right about one thing.
Joey: What’s that?
Pacey: There are about a thousand reasons why you and I would never work.
Joey: There’s one thing in the ‘Pro’ column.
Pacey: What’s that?
(Joey sits up, goes over to Pacey and kisses him.)
Joey: This doesn’t mean what you think it means.
Pacey: Well then what does it mean?
Joey: Well it means that I’m cold. (Pacey immediately wraps the sleeping bag around them.) And still thinking about it… And I miss you Pace.

31. All Good Things… (6x23)
This reaction to Pacey’s kiss.

32. ...Come to an End (6x24)

Joey: Hey, I’m looking for some serving spoons.
Paey: They’re in the bin at the end.
Joey: So how are you doing? Are you okay?
Pacey: Yeah. Yeah, I really am okay.
Joey: So what’s going on in that head of yours?
Pacey: You’re off the hook.
Joey: What?
Pacey: You’re off the hook. I’ve never really put that much faith in all that ‘if you love someone you set them free’ crap, as evidenced by everything I’ve done in my entire life up until this very moment, but I am determined to be happy, Joey. Happy in this life. And I love you. I have always, always loved you, but our timing has just never been right. And the way I figure it, time is no man’s friend. So I have to get right with that and be happy now. Because this is it, this is all that we get. One thing I’ve learned from losing Jen that’s what I’ve learned.
Joey: Pace, I—
Pacey: Wait, hold on, I’m not done yet. Because I also want for you to be happy. It’s really important to me that you be happy, so I want you to be with someone, whether it be Dawson or New York Guy, or some man that you haven’t even met yet. But I want you to be with someone who can be a part of the life that you want for yourself. I want you to be with someone who makes you feel like how I feel when I’m with you. So basically the point of this run-on sentence that’s been the past ten years of our lives, is just the simply act of being in love with you is enough for me. So you’re off the hook.
Joey: You know for the record I—I don’t want to be let off the hook. Because everything that I’ve done in my life has led me here, right now. And the last thing I want, need, or deserve is to be let off somebody’s hook.
Pacey: Please don’t miss my point—
Joey: And don’t miss mine. Pacey, I love you. You know that. And it’s very real. It’s so real that it’s kept me moving, mostly running from it, never ready for it… And I love Dawson. He’s my soulmate, he’s tied to my childhood. It is a love that is pure and eternally innocent. I can’t be let off the hook because I may get the notion that it’s okay to keep running.
* ~ * ~ *

Last edited by Azaiya; 03-22-2018 at 05:28 PM
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