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Old 03-18-2018, 06:15 AM
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Helping Ressler protect Liz from Tom wasn't the best way for Red to solve the problems ahead. He was trying so hard to not annoy Liz, but couldn't help it. Tom destroyed everything that was real to him. He didn't even want anybody to face him. Finally he strangled the guy and chopped off his hand and foot before he could do anything else. Without Liz, Aram felt furious about the mission. He screamed Samar's name to Red from the top of a building and hoped that it would reach the bottom. He expertly told Samar not to come over to the zoo. She leapt over Godzilla without touching his scales. When the explosion happened, Dembe shielded Liz with his body so the shrapnel wouldn't cause damage. So Cooper ended up giving some advice about Aram's training. Ressler performed a perfect training exercise with his apprentice. They went to the post office
"when you love someone you have no control. that is what love is. being powerless." ♥
The Blacklist | #stripRessler
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