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Old 02-10-2018, 03:08 PM
Crystal Clear
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Originally Posted by royalღcaliber (View Post)
I can't see/really hope that if the series continues, that they don't spilt up!

I don't see why Rob Thomas would do that During promotion for the VM movie, he made it very clear that he knows how huge and loyal the LoVe shippers are and he knows that people felt duped out of a happy ending for them in the show, so he made use of the movie to put right where the show went wrong. Putting her with Leo would make as much sense as bringing back Duncan to be with her (zero sense). The movie concluded with Veronica waiting for Logan as he went off to duty, and she even turned up to the Agency in his car Believe me, there is a lot of commitment represented in how LoVe ended up in the movie. I don't see that being betrayed.
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