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Old 01-06-2018, 10:41 AM
reason to believe
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Hope you have a relaxing day, Lizzy.

And have fun Cece

I hope it all goes well Chris.

My mom didn't want anyone to drive an hour to a further airport to pick us up but she clearly changed her mind after our 24 hours of airline flights, delays and going from gate A to C all day!

Oh, and the middle flight we sat on the tarmac for over 45 minutes not knowing why but the pilot kept giving lame excuses and we starting complaining about how we werent being informed why we were just sitting there! Turns out there was a plane collision at the same airline just before we arrived and a fire started and they had to evacuate the plane all before we arrived to take off. So of course they didn't let us know that was why we were not moving causes wise not to freak out people waiting to take off. it was all over the news and we didn't find out til we arrived safely at our next stop.

Ok, my cat is happy to see me, but I forgot the extreme "clingy kitty" phase he has. He's scratching at my bedroom door, drooling, head butting, meowing constantly for me and at my heels wherever I walk to calm down, boy! I love that he loves me that much though but clingy kitties can be high maintenance!
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