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Old 01-03-2018, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by ChristinaL80 (View Post)
What scenes do you have in mind?

Two suggestions for titles:

She finally stopped running from true love

Her love for him was so real and she didn't want to be let off the hook
Just things like when Mitch points out how much Pacey cares about the Potter sisters (and we all know he basically meant Joey) in that 3x12 scene, or Jen pointing out multiple times about Pacey's feelings for her - like in 3x09, and then when they talk in 3x16 - or even just when she notices that Pacey is jealous of AJ at Joey's house.

Or all the times Gretchen talks about them. Even when Dawson in 4x04 points out how they've been fighting since they were kids, and then Gretchen says "but not like this" and then in later seasons when Audrey mentions their past relationship, stuff like that.

I mean, I'd be willing to try and find the scenes where others talk/react to them, and then you could find the gifs/graphics and put it all together, if you want?
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