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Old 12-05-2017, 10:52 PM
Cardcaptor Queen

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Joined: Mar 2014
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Originally Posted by dragonfire (View Post)
So Disney&Fox are closing in on the deal? And it could be announced next week?!
It's still hard for me to believe this will happen and I'll be SHOCKED if it does. Then again, anything seemed possible after Marvel and Sony made a deal with Spiderman (something else I thought would never happen) If it happens I'll be the happiest about it cause that means Marvel will finally have the Fantastic 4 back. I'll just be glad it's out of Fox's hands when they clearly don't care about it at all and just keep crapping on it to keep the rights and nothing more. If this happens I just don't get how they will fit in the X Men. That seems like a whole new world all on it's own but Marvel has been killing it with all their movies so at the same time I wouldn't be worried. The X Men films have always been a mixed bag for me. I like some (IE X2, DOFP, Logan, Deapool) hate some (X3, Wolverine Origins) and some are just okay. One of their biggest flaws is that continuity seems to mean nothing in their universe, which also irks me. I also miss the original X Men cast in the films compared to the "past" cast. I still prefer the original X Men crew. Guess we'll see if this happens or not.
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