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Old 11-25-2017, 08:09 PM
fly me to the moon
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Originally Posted by bring me home (View Post)
Awww It's like the movie 16 Candles! I"m glad they remember!

HOpe you girls were able to get some good food!

So, next weekend, I"m getting a kitty. I was going to get 2 today but I realized that 2 would be too expensive for me right now. But the one I"m looking at next weekend -- Kitty City Kansas Rescue

It's almost like qualities of the kitty I had put to sleep last year were put in this kitty!
Yeah, it was.. But glad that I don't cuss them out like the movie..

Aww, so awesome for you! You must be so exciting to have kitty again!


Steph/credit: My Kind Of Crazy
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