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Old 11-05-2017, 01:30 PM
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Alec Baldwin wrote (in his book Nevertheless) that Harrison in person is "a little man, short, scrawny and wiry, whose soft voice sounds as if it's coming from behind a door." He's sore that way back Harrrison got the Jack Ryan role which Alec started up. In an interview in the London Times newspaper Alec was asked about this and he said "There are people I know who have had great careers as movie stars, and they have starred in some of the biggest movies in the world, but their acting isn't necessarily the fizz in the drink. Y'know what I mean?" "Their movies may make more money, but I don't think there's any comparison between my talent and their talent." "They're like a water pistol compared to a machinegun in terms of acting ability."

I don't like Alec Baldwin. I haven't forgotten the horrible phone message he sent his daughter when she was young. His acting talent isn't a fraction of Ford's. Ford's acting brims with humanity and personality. Baldwin's is unsympathetic and bland. Baldwin's made a name for himself parodying Donald Trump, but honestly, he kind of reminds me of Donald Trump.

(All quotes from the Times Saturday 4 November 2017 newspaper, the Magazine section, hardcopy.)
Icon: BlackWhiteRose

Last edited by sum1; 11-05-2017 at 02:07 PM
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