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Old 10-19-2017, 12:40 PM
break the window
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Originally Posted by Michelle (View Post)
That makes sense. Where did you purchase the books, by the way?
The first three I got from Barnes and Noble in New Jersey (on vacation). I've gotten a couple other ones from a local second hand book store. I'm slowly building my collection

Originally Posted by Michelle (View Post)
Yes, I have a feeling if we get a season 3 a marriage proposal will happen fairly quickly. The writer's also won't waste their time on Trace being gone on Tour either so hopefully the Tour thing concludes by the time we hit the premiere of 3 and then marriage proposal happens after that, even mid-season 3.
I sure do hope so When Abby returned to Chesapeake Shores and saw Trace for the first time, he made a point that they were engaged before she left. So with him returning home after being gone away for months and they do get back together, I don't think Trace would wait another second to ask her. He might even propose before having the ring. But something tells me he's gonna make sure it's done right this time around

Originally Posted by Michelle (View Post)
The girls could stay with family while she goes to visit him. She does have the money and the means, not to mention family to help out.
I don't think Abby realizes how free she is to be with Trace. Meaning she has built in baby sitters with the family at home. Her girls have adapted to Trace very well, of course Trace is just mommy's friend. I know Abby has everyone's best interests at heart, but I think she's over thinking things sometimes.

Originally Posted by Michelle (View Post)
Six months should be nothing. Just hope Douglas stays away. I think the reason for this storyline is to show that they survived NYC and they will survive the Tour too.
I get that Douglas is a good guy, I don't see him hurting Abby, at least not intentionally. But I do feel he may have an attraction to Abby, but her talking about her boyfriend Trace, has put him on the sidelines. I just hope that Douglas doesn't go into this whole 'i can provide for you', which he can. But it's gonna come down to who Abby really loves. I just don't see Douglas coming out as the good guy in the end, tbh.

Originally Posted by Michelle (View Post)
I really hope this isn't bad writing and we will revisit the accident and what John is hiding. He has to be hiding something. Good point about Leigh being the mediator. She really does seem to own that role. Wouldn't it be something if we find out he was never severely neurologically impaired after all? He could have gone there to get insurance money and he knew it was wrong which is why he went to bat for Trace as a way to almost make it a right. We know money is a motivating factor with the band for him too. I hope they revisit all of this.
He certainly does know when the lay the guilt on thick. If John is after the money and everything a tour has to offer, why not join another band that has a tour of their own instead of being an opening act? Is he doing this to just punish Trace. If he's so unhappy with how things are going and not making any money with a family to support, what is keeping him there?

Originally Posted by Michelle (View Post)
Exactly. I believe the first Tour will blow up somehow. Maybe John's shadiness is a clue that it will happen. I just don't see this Tour lasting that long. The players involved (John is shady, Leigh wants in Trace's pants) just aren't stable enough and Trace ideally wants to be with Abby and have the Club. It will blow up.
It might start out great, but it'll fizzle quickly. Trace has said a million times, he didn't want to go back to that life. Trace is just doing all of this for the money, I think. He wanted to pay back Mick for the investment. He wants to prove to Abby that he can provide her a life she so deserves...along with Carrie and Caitlin. I think the touring will revolve around to be what it was the first time around. Too fast and not enough sleep. Does Trace really think it's going to be different this time around? He is allowing Mark to make decisions while he's touring. I don't think Mark would take the money and run. But I do think Mark would make decisions that would take Trace into a different route and maybe not sending him home for a while.

Originally Posted by Michelle (View Post)
I don't either. It should be a no brainer it's immediately renewed. I have no idea what the network is waiting for. I don't know much about this network but if I remember the discussion on here a while back... historically the network gets rid of their series fairly quickly. However, Chesapeake Shores should be the exception. This series is breaking all kinds of records, it's a huge hit. All I know is if the network stupidly doesn't renew then maybe Netflix will grab it, dump seasons 1 and 2 for viewers to catch up and then take over and air season 3. It would be fantastic actually.
I don't think Hallmark has a great grasp of what it takes to run a great tv series. How long did Cedar Cove last and they apparently changed just about every character/actor from the first season to the next.

Remember when they were putting The Good Wife on, three times a day. Then yanked it off immediately deeming it was too much because of Kalinda's story line. They promoted it for months that it was coming then not even a word that it was getting pulled out. That's what worries me. They don't know how to handle television shows. They're great with TV movies and mini series, but not so confident about full tv series.
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