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Old 10-09-2017, 05:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Patricia
Chesapeake Shores 2.10 FREEFALL

I was wondering that too. But my guess is that he was going to tell her that he loves her considering the end of the episode, he does it with such power and it didn't seem like an in the moment thing.
Definitely. Yes, I think that's precisely what he was going to tell her. I loved that scene so much, I didn't want it to end. Trace and Abby (along with the girls) just seemed so happy and at peace together. <3

I'm glad the girls are loving Trace around. But did they realize what Trace being around means? They love their father so much, how would they feel about another man stepping in and not trying to fill that role, but be like that role. Have that father figure presence. Right now it's just like he's a friend of mommy's and likes to hang out with. I'm hoping the writers will put something in there that will show some kind of challenging transition from having Trace as just a friend, to having Trace as a father figure.
Agreed. It's really, really going to suck for the girls. They see Trace as a someone important now. They really care about and enjoy spending time with him. It's so natural. The girls will definitely need to adjust if/when he leaves for six months (with some random time in between) and in a way I kind of agree with Wes here... He did warn Abby and even Trace about this very scenario. Initially it could have come across as jealousy but really, he was right about his girls getting close to Trace and then Trace leaving. That looks like precisely what is about to take place.

Maybe this is why he seems to have a stick up his ass all the time. He hasn't let go of the past, the past where everything was go, go and go some more. Now that it's go time again, he expects it to be the same. Everybody wants a piece of the action that is the Trace Riley Band. It's different now. It's not just four kids on the road trip of their lives. John has a family, which he only sees as himself making the sacrifices. Then there's Trace who has Abby by his side now and a potential family with it too if things lead to them getting married. I just hate how John acts like he's the only one making sacrifices when he can just simply walk away.
Very true. I hated, and I mean hated how he brought up Abby to Trace too. That was a low blow. Leigh actually didn't bother me much in this episode which is shocking. John definitely seems shady all the time. I do understand his need to want to cash in on success of course but I dislike how abrasive and blunt he is. It's almost as if he thinks they owe him because of the accident. The accident that suddenly he is not neurologically disabled from anymore which continues to be a huge mystery. The other thing I find interesting is he is talking about having a family but he was also the first to want to take the band on that little gig away from Chesapeake Shores when Abby even said that version of Trace is not who he wants to be. So which is it, John? Are you responsible and thinking of your family or are you that guy that wants dramatic trouble and mischief as a carefree musician?

I really thought Douglas was going to ask out Abby when he was in that conference, room, I was waiting for it. I really think he's the version of Leigh that is with Trace. They are in the same world, almost cut from the same cloth. You know it's going to lead to Abby needing someone by her side and she's going to be working with Douglas more. What's going to keep Douglas making a move on Abby. He knows she's with Trace, but Trace is going on tour for at least six months and who knows how long after that. I see this as a time to fight for what they want rather then let life pass them by.
There was also this weird touch that the camera panned in on that worked my last nerve. I didn't know if I was seeing things but I think it was there. Yes, I honestly thought he was going to get really personal there too. Good point going with a parallel of John and Leigh. Very, very true.

I'm bored by all the band stuff too. Trace talked about walking away, not being apart of that life now, and now that they're being thrown a tour, and all this other stuff, he's on board again. Is Trace like John in chasing the money, too? It's kind of like they rewrote history with John now not being in an accident and Trace letting go of Nashville because of John's accident and everything was going too fast. So, is the show rewriting history or telling a new tale?
It is very strange. Do you think there's a possibility that Trace doesn't go or he comes home early? I know mainly he didn't want to go for Abby but I mentioned how much the club meant to him and he is leaving the club too. I just don't see Trace as wanting that kind of lifestyle. He wants to be known as a serious, capable musician but rock/country star? No, that's not him. I will be shocked if he lasts on tour for very long and I think there's a slight possibility he doesn't even go.

I would never have guessed for Kevin to be this into a girl before. I always seem him as the cool guy, the one that didn't obsess over a girl before. Now Sarah's in the picture and he's going to his sister for advice. It's just a new side of Kevin we've never seen and it's really nice.
I love it.

I want to think that Thomas will be good to Connor when they really start working together. But I get the feeling that Thomas will get greedy and use Connor against Mick to get the information he wants. I just don't trust Thomas, although I can't entirely trust Mick either. There's just so much bad blood between them that it's hard to know which direction they're truly going.
I know. I think both brothers have tricks they are willing to play and I'm afraid of Connor getting stuck in the middle.

I just don't see what Bree saw in Simon. He's really blah as a person to me. She didn't like him when she first met him and hated his book. Then they started dating, or whatever it was. I'm glad she got rid of him. I can honestly see him turning into Simon, really, I can. He submitted her manuscript without an even hint. Sure he may not discourage Bree, on his terms. But he blatantly stole her manuscript. That's something Martin would do. She wasn't ready and not really sure she wanted it published in the first place.
Exactly. He was Martin there and I was proud of Bree for not wanting any part of that crap. Outside of the writing angle and both being creative, I don't really see what she sees in Simon either. I don't find him remotely attractive and his accent is too stuffy for a very carefree and slightly eccentric Bree. They just seem like oil and water way too much. This is a really weird comparison of course but do you know who I see Bree with? Someone with a personality like Kevin... serious, intelligent but can also let loose and have some fun. I really enjoy their sibling interaction and banter. If Bree could find a romantic interest like that, it would wonderful. I love Bree. Her personality sparkles. She needs to be with someone who isn't Simon.

These two are far from over. I know he's going to return and they are going to pick up right where they left off.
I hope so.

It is so heartbreaking! Watching it gets me everytime and I've seen it like three times and it still hurts. The look in his eyes, his entire body language, it's just heartbreaking. He finally gets Abby again, they are in a great place, he's building a relationship with Carrie and Caitlin and now this happens. I just don't understand. Well, I do understand. Trace wouldn't go if it meant he didn't have Abby's blessing. Of course he wants to go, he wants a second chance, but not if it meant losing Abby. I know they're gonna find each other again in six months and it'll be a magical reunion. But at what price does it cost for Trace to be on tour? They were offered more tours if this one goes well, which you know it will. Mark Hall saying you can't have it all, of course you can.
I honestly cannot rewatch this scene. Not yet. We better get a season 3 because things cannot be left like this.


It's like Abby broke up with him a second time. The first time she just left and Trace was broken, having to pick up the pieces when he finally realized she wasn't coming back. He found out she was marrying another man and then she had children with this man. Then so many years later, she's breaking up with him again. I'm not trying to make Abby the bad guy here, but she's the one who's breaking up with Trace
I know. When she walked away and he was just left standing there too... ahhhh, so sad!

Well, she did say not to tell her goodbye. But in a way, I think him kissing her on the cheek and leaving was his goodbye. You could tell that Jess knew it that he was leaving in that moment and he didn't have to say it. I just hate that Jess finally found herself a great man, and then he leaves. For good reason, I'm not saying David is skipping out on her. But he was totally not honest about where he came from. I mean if she didn't order those books and mistakenly ordered as many as she did, would she have found out David was from a wealthy family. When David's father was sick, how would he explain away his absence. I think with Jess and David getting involved, he should have told her, instead of her finding out on her own.
Oh I know, that was his form of goodbye. I also agree that he should have told her what was going on. Especially since he knew how difficult it was for her to open up. She gave him multiple chances to talk about his private life too and he was always closed off. He really should have told her. I'm actually shocked she didn't get super pissed at him.

The flashbacks hurt, they still do as I type this. At the end of the performance, it was clear that Trace knew Abby made the right decision. He couldn't go on tour and not know how she felt about it. She had his blessing. If Trace had any inclination that it was the wrong move, that he thought it would have worked out differently, he would've run after Abby. He would have tried to change anything he could. Trace just knows how it feels to lose her once and so unsure what will happen when he comes back home, will she be there?
Douglas better not be around. That's what I don't get... will they talk daily? Will they resume the romance, just long distance or are they literally breaking apart for six months? There is some down time he can use to come home during those six months too so will they see each other?

this is no way says series finale in every step of these character's stories. I just hope the 3rd season is just as a wonderful tribute as Seasons 1 and 2 were.
Me too! I really love this series. I do not want to see it end. Season 3 is a must!
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