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Old 10-07-2017, 06:40 PM
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Taylor looks so small and so exhausted in that photo. He must be the type who drops weight really fast even when he's not trying. I bet his mom is always reminding him to eat and is constantly piling extra food on his plate when he comes home to visit.

I can understand the families and townspeople being concerned, but they've been downright hostile. Granted, it's only been four years, so they're still in the grieving process. In that context, I can see why they might feel it's too soon and that Hollywood is exploiting their tragedy.

And since there was also some speculation that the real Hotshots died because of their own errors, maybe the families are afraid that the filmmakers are going to pull a rope-a-dope on them and make the guys look bad. Plus the town seems so insular that maybe they just have a distrust of outsiders, period.

But these types of movies are made a lot and I don't ever recall the families being this angry and hostile. They have a right to grieve however they need to, but there's a point where they come off looking a little unreasonable. Especially when it seems the filmmakers have tried to be respectful and address their concerns. But who knows, maybe the filmmakers have only spun it that way.
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