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Old 10-01-2017, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by worthyoflove (View Post)
Yup, 40.13 is what we average in a day. Oddly enough that is the lowest average we've had all year and when there's finally new stuff to talk about. I don't know, maybe when he's not around we search out more things to talk about and when he does have a project the conversation is more limited and doesn't branch out.
I think this is definitely true. To be bluntly honest, it got boring talking about AA, especially since none of us really loved it. I'm finding my enthusiasm isn't very high for OTB either. I'll watch his interviews, but after a while hearing even Taylor say the same thing over and over, in the same clothes no less, just gets boring. I might not even watch the others' TV appearances.

I think a big part of it is that we've followed these projects so closely for over a year now, it's almost anticlimactic that they're finally here. And again, if AA had delivered for us, the mood would be different.

And personally I decided to try not to keep harping on my feelings about Waco. There's no point.

One of the best moments this past week was when KiKi found that old YouTube video of him. I don't even remember what it was about. (My memory is garbage lately!) But it reminded me of how much I love his older vids. I'm the wrong person to be talking about this though. I've been kind of down on Taylor lately, I know. Still love him to pieces. But his behavior during the AA junket and then the movie itself both disappointed me. So I haven't had much to say lately.

Sorry about writing yet another book. I need KiKi to coach me on writing more concisely.
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