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Old 08-17-2017, 11:32 PM
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Originally Posted by fmaldy24 (View Post)
Yeah I don't know about that sonnet either - I know it meant something to them but I don't know if it means as much to us as the audience and whether people understood the quote and why it was used when it was in the show. I'm pretty sure the first time I heard it I was like what?
Thats the problem. They had some idea in their head but failed to communicate it to audience. We are not in their heads.the sonnet is beautiful and if I would know Brian is referring to it, maybe it would have different impaxt upon me. But Shakespeare never came to my mind while watching this scene and not to anyones else I know of. The first impression the scene gave me, was certainly not that it means they are bonded forever, I started to see it in this way only after I read interview with Cowlip and saw them speaking about it in Austin.
But before that. the impression the scene gave me was rather that Brian gave up, resigned. The words it doesnt matter are not quiet encouraging.
Maybe they should have formulated it a bit differently.
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