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Old 06-18-2017, 06:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Si_Crazy (View Post)
Floriana's character is not alive on Lethal Weapon... she only appears in some flashbacks.

I have a theory about the problem with romances now... too much teenage drama for relationships that clearly are of young adults. And maybe because of the online reviews they clearly seems to change midway, so they don't follow through with what they first thought and then it just seem like bad written stories.
I'm all for good romances and ships! But I hate when there isn't adequate behavior or just unnecessary drama

I liked Kara form Smallville mostly because she was different than Clark, more active, more bold... with Kara from Supergirl I felt like a female version of Clark and it just didn't work for me (but again I only watched a few episodes)

I liked season 1 of iZombie. I'm still catching up on season 2, but so far I'm enjoying

Yeah, I know DAve... but I do have the first 3 seasons in DVD... I gotta find myself the 4th one
Oh. but can she appear in more flashbacks in the future?

I agree with that which is why in a way, I feel the writing was a lot better when writers didn't consistently need to hear from whinny fans through social media. Because back in the day, it seems that writers had their plan and stayed with it and it's why the romances were probably written a bit better.

I dunno...
I do think at times, it's difficult go go different from what you planned... like Friends, they noticed how popular Monica/Chandler were and something that was suppose to be short term ended up being long term. I think they noticed because of how loud the fans were cheering in the studio or something like that.

I'm all for the good romances as well. It's just sad it's difficult to find.

In season 1, I actually loved Kara from Supergirl more. lol But since I'm currently re-watching Smallville and not liking Supergirl season 2, I think I love Kara from Smallville more now. lolol

Well you have the first 3. That's the main thing that matters.
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